Monday, July 14, 2014

Boer Patriot caught up in Police Activities

From a concerned South African citizen and his thoughts on why Cornelia De Wet was caught up in the police activities of promoting their own wicked force for reasons relating to communistic traits.

Try to follow the thread.

1961 the Union of South Africa became the Republic of South Africa. This was after Harold McMillan's speech in Cape Town Parliament of "Winds of Change."

The Communist threat was real.
The Rivonia Trail came and went. The South African Communist Party was finally beaten.
The authorities were not satisfied.
Steve Biko was the founder of the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM). He was at the Medical School and he rejected that. That was when he started the BCM. Black Panthers in American followed his example.

He was stirring and was a nuisance.

During the mid 1960s, Rev. Richard Wurmbrand visited South Africa. He was born an Atheistic Jew then converted to Lutheran in Romania. The Romanian Communists arrested him and tortured him. He wrote a book, God's underground.Members of the South African Police Security Branch attended his lectures. The Security Branch was NOT the Secret Police. They had to "look after" the Communists.

Gideon Niewoudt was one member of the Security Branch, who was persuaded by Rev. Richard
Wurmbrand. He decided to take matters in hand.
The Communist Leadership should have been hanged for High Treason. The Americans and British could not tolerate that they are hanged.
Vital evidence was not produced at the Rivonia Trial.
The Security Branch knew this!
Steve Beki was too clever. He did a lot of wrong, but refused to accept it.
This drove Gideon Niewoudt crazy so he got Steve Biko killed while in police custody. Google his name to get the details.
Steve was not admitting to anything, so they killed him. Court Cases were not doing their job.. .

He did not sign anything, did not admit anything and made no statement, written or verbal.
The Security Branch needed his co-operation to get a conviction.

Helen Zille was an investigative journalist and she "exposed" the Steve Biko killing in the Rand Daily Mail. A Johannesburg daily newspaper. It went bankrupt as people refused to place advertisements due to its left leanings. (You have no idea what crimes Steven Beki did!)
Fast forward after 2000.

Helen Zille became the leader of the Democratic Alliance, the official opposition in South Africa.
Helen Zille is a member of the British Women Free Mason Lodge (BWFML). It seems many left wing black female activists and politicians are members, such a Winnie Mandela and Thabo Mbeki's wife!

The BWFML finance Helen Zille.
During the 1980s and 1990, the African National Congress was also injecting monies into the South Africa right wing organizations, to undermine them.

It has come out that Jaco Sherman is the center man in this scheme. He uses the Criminal Procedure Act. Sections 25(2A) and 204. Police, agents of police and convicted prisoners, are used to murder and commit crime and not are charged nor arrested. Police, prosecutors, lawyers, advocates, magistrates and judges will not go against the law exposing this.
Jaco Sherman with the South African Police train, the right wing, put guns into their hands and into their houses. At a certain time, the police raid the houses and use the evidence to get a conviction. Worse, when they raid a house, the police secretly bring in "illegal" things such as guns and explosives and place them into the house, so getting "evidence" to get a damning conviction.

Cornelia de Wet was caught up in this.

In the police system and when a crime has been committed, there are two kinds of statements that the police use.
The Witness Statement and the Warning Statement.
If an intruder comes into the house and the house, owner shoots the intruder dead and he admits and in a Witness Statement that he shot dead the intruder, he will not be arrested nor charged. He/she needs to sign it.
On the other hand, if the house owner shoots dead the intruder and he/she admitted in a Warning Statement he/she shot and killed the intruder, he/she will be arrested and charged and later found guilty as charged!

This is what poor Cornelia was forced into agreeing. She signed a Warning Statement. That is what damned her!
No matter how she denies been the owner of "illegal" goods she was found guilty and sentenced!
The Police read you your rights! Ha! What didn't they tell you? 

'Would you, a cruel judge, kill an innocent woman?'
And,‘you flee a judge, but acquire an enemy. I say it is easier to put up with a judge than an enemy, even a just one. The judge typically pronounces sentence, while the armed enemy destroys everything,'

Cornelia is just a farm girl, a farmer's daughter, now she is farmer's wife.
She is led to believe the Communists are coming to kill her. She is told who they are and what they have done. The same person who tells her that is the one who trains her, puts a gun into her hands and later puts more guns into her house.
That same person tells her to kill the Communists and names who to kill.
When the time is ripe, that same person arrests her and locks her up. Opens the charge of High Treason and gets her to appear before a judge.
That same person trains the Communists who she is told who want to kill her. The threat is real.
Under the Criminal Procedure Act Section 25(2A) and Section 204 allows a police officer or agent to kill or commit a crime and not get charged neither arrested.
Ordinarily, "crime" a police officer does, a civilian will get life or a longer sentence.
Policemen/women sow the seeds of destruction in both camps, and under the Act, he/she gets away with a crime that he/she caused.
Julius Malema was in Zimbabwe and in front of Robert Mugabe sings, "Kill the Boer, and kill the farmer.. ."
A few days later Eugene Terrblanche is murdered. The judge finds an Act to release a minor because he is under age. He rules out Conspiracy Theories. In addition, the accused gets a mild sentence.

In November 2013, Kgalema Motlanthe makes a speech in Bulwer and makes certain remarks. This was a grand finale of two-farm murders in the area. Ian Fowler was murdered a week before Motlanthe's speech and Daniel Knight murdered on mid-October.
Motlantle was the instigator of those murders of innocent men.

Robert Mcbride places a bomb in a pub near Durban, killing police-officers. He is found guilty and sentenced to hang. A few days before he is due to be hanged he is given a reprieve. Now he is Police Commissioner. Even the DA is silent on his promotion.

Cornelia de Wet should declare, As soon as I realized I was committing or going to commit a crime, I changed my ways, and I can tell the court why, and what methods the police used, I was led falsely by the police.

 Read the hatespeech on Censorbugbear - it is a good read and really scary!

#WhiteGenocide hatespeech"I love it when attackers kill white Afrikaner children, All Afrikaners Must Die"

Sunday, July 13, 2014

NUMSA Strike Bad News for South African Economy

NUMSA Strike Bad News for South African Economy

Julius Malema Claims ANC Is Trying to Destroy His Political Party

Julius Malema Claims ANC Is Trying to Destroy His Political Party

Racist Article Provokes Hatred Against White Afrikaners

A re-released racist article published in the L.A. Times (see notice at bottom of post) is provoking hatred against white Afrikaners of South Africa. The offensive article exposes the dangers of living in South Africa, based on a story of a politically modest Afrikaner family. The published report received a vast amount of criticism. Shortly after the international release of the report, it was circulated among the ruling African National Congress (ANC) sparking claims of inciting hatred and violence.

Scott Kraft
Scott Kraft, of the LA Times, wrote the story after interviewing an Afrikaner family. The story illustrates the life of a decent Afrikaner family, their struggle to succeed and how fear governs their life. Kraft refers to white Afrikaners as the most privileged species based on the interview and forgets to record the thirty percent living in squalor conditions. The story singles out one-family and distances itself from the reality of all Afrikaans people.

During the interview, the Van Der Merwe family told of their conviction of trust, and their choice to vote for the governing ANC party based on the reality of South Africa moving into democracy. Doubts about their decision caused by the high-crime rates, threats of violence and land grabs and additional security measures had become a daily reality. Kraft outlined the article for his liberal audience to feel contempt for the family and their lifestyle, talking about their vast property and chose to ignore the futility behind the non-black fear. Kraft focused on Afrikaner fear caused by their own egotism and greed, making them a target of black hostility.

The participation of the Van Der Merwe family interview served to inflame violence, hatred and class division. Kraft details the hatred by the black people of South Africa toward all non-black people, and animals surpassing the hatred non-blacks have harbored over the turbulent past. After twenty years of apartheid, Kraft cites the Afrikaners would be safe living in South African township based on their broad-minded conviction, does not portray the underlying fear by almost ridiculing the Afrikaner, and defends the black on white violence.

The realistic black on white violence is ignored and defending the injustices caused by racial hatred is not explained in an understanding manner. South Africa is a dangerous place to live and surviving is the reality of most white people as violence flares up and remains uncontrollable. The pretext that the Van Der Merwe family have what they deserve fails their determination of believing in Nelson Mandela and his assurances that white South Africans would have equal protection. Although their fear of land grab is a reality the family, who defend their right to own land based on their historical past.

The American Left see South Africa as one of the last colonial evil marks of the world, and it was only a matter of time before Kraft wrote a critical piece depicting the Afrikaner as nothing more than the troublesome force. Kraft once wrote, “The Afrikaner is a rarity in anti-apartheid literature especially as Afrikaners were rare in the anti-Apartheid movement.” While it is true South Africa is a dodgy place to live, the remark is particular false as described by the Van Der Merwe family who voted twice for Nelson Mandela and favored ending apartheid.

De Klerk & Mandela
Evident hatred of Afrikaans people by Kraft in his article only served to rear the exploding racial dislike among South Africans. Kraft has no idea of what living in South Africa is about. The failure of police protection, the rising murders and crime form part of the racial disrespect of human life. With no accountability by the ANC government and authorities can the fear of being white in South Africa disappear. The racist article provokes hatred against the white Afrikaners who are portrayed as an injustice to the country.

Read on about the South African Genocide of Whites  - here is the link

South Africa White Genocide Escalates: International Groups Seek Solution

Important notice regarding this article:


You can view the original article on this link.


This article is not my original work, and referenced to a previous published article. The article was shared on my blog, with some humorous photos for the benefit of circulating the well researched and documented article written by Giacomo Vallone and Johannes Coetzee  of European knights project.

South African Shares his Story of curing an Alcoholic

Koos (not his real name) was highly qualified motor mechanic. He was fixing small cars to 18-wheelers.He was alcoholic. He was married and had a son and daughter. Both looked at life responsibility.One day his wife said to him, "Choose now. I will lock the door if you want your alcohol and I will open the door if or when you decide to give it up." He had no choice. He went to AA and got dry.It was about five years after his going to AA that I met him. He was fixing my vehicles.He was religious and was objective about his reading the Bible.
Then I met Paul (not his real name).Both Koos and Paul were rabid racists. Hated anything with Color. He was a handy man. He was alcoholic, and his wife could not tolerate him when he spent his money on a 24 bottle crate of 1Litre beer each weekend. She either poured it all down the kitchen sink or joined him on a drunken weekend. Both methods according to AA are very wrong.

He got the DT's. He suffered terrible bouts of mental stress and physical pain. He complained, and no one could understand the anguish he endured. He phoned his doctor on a Sunday to ask for help. The doctor shouted at him and told him in no uncertain terms that he would only see him on Monday, only after he opened the doors at his consulting rooms.
Since I was his friend, his wife phoned me "please take him away... “So I had him to stay at my parent’s house, where I was staying.
So I told Koos.
"Ja," said Koos. "Bring him around. We will take him to Bill's Room. 100-% success rate to cure alcoholics. Comfortable chairs, psychologists, and nurses in attendance. Bill's Room is highly recommended by those at AA."

Paul just wanted comfort. His pain, real or imagined, needed support.
At least someone would understand him.
Koos told me to meet him on the N3 and in two cars; we would go to Durban to Bill's Room.
We drove. Koos was in the front car.
We got to Toll Gate. (Not Toll Road Plaza. They are two different places.)
Koos turned left off the N3. He entered an Indian area. We thought Koos said that Bill's Room was at the Beach Front with a view of the sea.
Tall palm trees were on both sides of the road.
Koos slowed down then turned left. We went up a steep hill, and Koos turned right and drove into an open area with a small house in the middle. Both Paul and I were now apprehensive! This is not the kind of place Koos told us about.

"Here is Bill's Room. Come into register." Paul got his small suitcase, and we went to the reception.
A bare room and Paul wrote his details in the register. Just one bench where Paul could sit.
“Ok," said Koos, "Let's go. .."
We left Paul behind in a very dismal room.
An old Indian was at reception and did not talk much.
“Sit there," said the Indian.
So Paul sat. Moreover, he sat. We had arrived at 2. Paul had to sit and had nothing to eat or drink. Six o'clock came, and the Indian showed him his room where he was to sleep. Paul followed the Indian, and they entered the room with two bunks. Three beds above each other.
The Indian then took Paul outside and showed him the bath. It was outside. An old concrete basin, handmade. Only cold water and a bar of soap. The tap only let in a small volume of water.

 No protection from anyone walking past. They would see him. Not that anyone would.
He had his bath. He went to sleep. Comfort at last!
He laydown. Then the others came. All races. Indians, Africans & Colored’s. He tried to sleep. No it was impossible, people either while the others chatted.
Paul could not sleep!
Next morning as it was getting light, Paul got his suitcase, made sure no one would stop him, walked to the N3 and hitchhiked to his home in Pietermaritzburg.
At one o’clock, I phoned Paul's wife to find out how he was getting on. "He is at home, here," said his wife.
He never touched another bottle of alcohol again, even until today.

That was the one and only attempt to get someone off the bottle.