Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Genocide of Whites in South Africa A Reality
Is White Genocide a truth in South Africa? Genocide Watch placed South Africa at stage 6 which is the preparation stage, leading to stage 7 the extermination stage. Social Media will confirm that people are angry and afraid of the future and that genocide is, in fact, a reality. For years, people have been campaigning all over the world including petitioning for help. White people, the minority group in South Africa are suppressed, alienated and murdered in South Africa.
In most cases it the mindset of the majority that claims the white population are nothing but thieves, manipulators, and racists. Whites are considered lazy, dumb and ignorant and only live in the little world of whiteness. Whites are perceived as having a racist superiority with limited knowledge. All of these accusations spell out hatred toward the minority.
The Majority are on a mission of ethnic cleansing, and claiming that it is not the white man who built South Africa. It is the exploitation of cheap labor that built the country, and it was the manipulation of whites that stole everything the black man worked for. An often repeated quote is “Africa is for Africans” and that is the mission most are drawn toward. Most have blinkers on and cannot think outside the box, that it was indeed the white population who brought knowledge, skills, and education to South Africa.
Agreed, apartheid was wrong, yet in many instances, there was justice, working infrastructure and housing for all. Even though there was segregation, the lives of all South Africans mattered. What was not tolerated was crime and terrorism. Hence, the evil acts of terrorism to overpower a government was considered treason. The majority wanted freedom, and democracy and that was given to the African National Congress (ANC) party in 1994. It was under the new democracy that South Africa began to understand the hatred and violence of black on white people. As each year passed, white people were attacked, murdered and bludgeoned to death in the most horrific manner.
Farm murders are not accidental and common crimes, especially of the barbaric manner in which farmers are killed. White farmers are a target of aggression and to this day, are slaughtered and terrorized in a horrific evil manner. Raping white women, killing children, and massacring men with pangas, machetes, and illegal guns is happening all the time. Robberies are committed daily, and white people have been forced to live in a prison environment. High walls, electric fences, alarms, armed response and other safety measures have become the reality of survival.
The majority will argue that the pale white faces murdered millions of Africans, stole land, gold and other mineral resources and became economically empowered off the blood, sweat, and tears of the black man. The mindset of the majority will not change and the hatred swelling up within does not end. There is only hostility toward the white man, and as long as the perpetrators continue fueling hatred and brainwashing the uneducated, unemployed blacks, there will never be a peaceful solution. From politicians to successful business people, the majority are energized and encouraged to hate the white minority.
White people are not paranoid, rather filled with fear. Over the years, the aggressive attacks on whites have been gruesome and more frequent. As laws are implemented to exclude whites from the workplace, this places an additional burden on families to survive. When white children are intimidated and attacked in schools, the reality of racial hatred emerges. When white women are gang raped by black men, the will to live disappears.
There is no hope for white people in South Africa. There is a slow genocide happening and as the white population dwindles, so does the hope of survival. Black people have the power and are in control, yet have the mentality of blaming white people for corrupt governance. As long as greed, corruption and hatred of whites remain, the majority will never move forward. The rest of Africa tells the true story of African dominance and failure. Pandora’s clock is ticking for white South Africans as massacres of the minority are pointed out by International groups who continue to bring attention to the devastation today.
By Laura Oneale
South Africa Today – South Africa News
May 3, 2016
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