White Movement Worldwide (WMWW) pledges to support victims of crime
around the world and to protect innocent people against humiliating
crimes. Connie Da Silva, who was born in South Africa and educated in
England, is the women’s leader and the European and United Kingdom
representative of the WMWW. Da Silva feels a special responsibility for
women and children in South Africa who have been subjected to atrocities
by the African National Congress (ANC) and its followers while the
Western world turns its back.
WMWW is asking why the African National Congress (ANC) government of
South Africa has not set up special police units to investigate the
onslaught of the minority. The world is silent about the ongoing white
genocide in South Africa. There are no special units within the force to
inquire into the continuing attacks and murders, and the unanswered
question is whether the ruling ANC party has ignored the violence.
The British government, in particular, having sold out its own in
Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) in the 1970s, steadfastly refuses to acknowledge
the increasingly desperate situation in which white South Africans are
finding themselves and, consequently, the average British voter is
either unaware or disinterested, maintaining that such reports are
exaggerated. It is, therefore, the aim of the WMWW Movement’s European
and U.K. representative to raise awareness of the appalling dangers
facing whites on a daily basis in South Africa today.
Additionally, the remit will include responsibility for the
ever-growing numbers of girls and women finding themselves the victims
of the horrendous attacks that, in the last few months, have become
daily occurrences throughout France, the Low Countries, Germany, and
Scandinavia following the invasion of the Islamic so-called “refugees.”
In the face of the intransigence of most of the politicians,
frustration in these countries is at a fever pitch. It has reached the
point when so-called “gangs” understandably feel it necessary to take
action in the defense of women, as is the case in Cologne where two
hundred concerted sexual assaults took place at the City Center on New
Year’s Eve while the police were supposedly powerless to prevent them.
The attacks are happening throughout Europe where young Islamic men
feel able to attack girls and women in the street openly, often in broad
daylight, and largely without fear of being apprehended or arrested. It
is not only the young who are subjected to such atrocities. A few days
ago in Sweden, a 78-year-old woman was raped and severely beaten by men
who had broken into her home. Another 17-year-old girl was raped, and
her 14-year-old sister sexually assaulted, as she tried to save her from
Muslim “migrants” at a German public swimming pool.
The stories are endless. They occur in Cologne, Helsinki, Stockholm,
and Paris, and the girls do not always identify their attackers. The
fact that the same thing is happening in so many cities at the same time
suggests that the assaults are coordinated, and yet the response from
the politicians up until now has always been the same – more migrants
should be welcome into our midst.
On January 14, the
Daily Express reported a shocking attack
on a British teenage girl, who was in Paris with a friend for the New
Year celebrations when a large group of Muslim males ripped her clothes
off. In Britain, following the disclosure of the Pakistani sex ring
scandal in Rotherham, which had been swept under the carpet for years
for fear of causing “cultural misunderstanding,” lip service has been
paid to addressing the danger within the country. The movement is,
however, constantly assured by David Cameron, the prime minister, that
Islam holds no threat. Politicians say more Muslims must be welcomed
into our communities, despite the rapid rise in rapes and violent
attacks on women and girls in towns and cities, which the police, in
many cases, are either incapable or unwilling to prosecute.
Recently, President Jacob Zuma said the land was stolen, and this was
the primary cause of poverty in the country. Farmers and white people,
in particular, will not hand over land without fair compensation. Land
reform is a sensitive subject, and the majority is expecting the
government to give back land to the people without compensation. The
frustration of waiting for land claim resolutions over the past 20 years
has led to political parties promising voters that land will be
returned immediately after the victory. Incitement of forceful removal
of whites from land is another factor, and the WMWW has vowed to fight
for the rights of the minority.