Tuesday, May 13, 2014

South Africa - Part 3 - Sins of the Fathers



Roger Whitaker used to say that all politicians are like a bunch of bananas, - they are all yellow, they all float together and there’s not a straight one amongst them.
The 1930’s Carnegie Report into poverty in South Africa with reference to the white Afrikaners made the following point that the Afrikaner was too lazy to work and preferred to live as a squatter on the Dutch farmer’s farm. Few people are aware of the fact that the Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd focused on importing Dutch officials for employment in the then South African Civil Service. The reason thereto was that he did not trust the Afrikaners.

During the WWII period, one could not obtain employment in the SA Civil Service if you did not pledge allegiance to the British Colonial Authorities and the British War effort. Once one had, you got be employed and was obligated to wear a red tab in order to indicate that you had sworn such allegiance and that you would have such an employ. These issues still rankle today, although there has been seen a decrease in references to such.

During the 70’s and the 80’ the South Africans were involved in a war against the Angolans and SWAPO (The Namibian Liberation Movement) and ANC of South Africa, at that
point a banned movement. The South Africans were ruled at that stage by the National Party, an Afrikaner stronghold. Already at this time many of its supporters had become disillusioned as to what had been happening in their world, and they started asking questions. Col Jan Breytenbach, the founder of 32 Battalion, known as the Terrible Ones, writes in his book about the broken promises from the National Party and its leader who disbanded the Battalion. The Afrikaner throughout has shown a string of broken promises, a lack of decency and courage. The soldiers of 32 Battalion had bled and died for South Africa, they were used in a similar position as what the French Government is using the Foreign Legion for. At least after fulfilment of your contract with the Foreign Legion, you are legible to become a French Citizen. After the disbandment of 32 Battalion, it was then President Mandela who saw to it that they received some form of financial reward for their service.
A waste of time to accept the promises of the Afrikaners? Where are they now? Instead of reading the signs of the times, they went into opposition without understanding the consequences of their move. Today Marthinus Van Schalkwyk is a Minister in the ANC government. He is seen as a sell-out by various groups. However, his actions are just the most practical of all the professed Afrikaner politicians. Even Dr Mulder who was appointed as a deputy minister by Pres Zuma is a much more pragmatic politician than the rest.

The most intriguing to note is that during the time of the National Party leadership the Freemasons ensconced themselves in specifically the South African Police and the SA Defence Force. Unless one would be a part of this group, you would not be promoted to a senior position, with all its rewards and financial implications. Even until today they tend to play a major role in the current structures. Even the creation of similar organisations in order to cater for the new black elite was formed. The role of the Freemasons stem from the time of the British, and it makes sense. The Afrikaners were enticed into the Broederbond which would be their own secret society. Unbeknownst to them the Broederbond was in effect also a creation of the Freemasons. This makes tactical clear sense.

One must keep in mind that the Anglo-Boer war was the direct result for the decline of the British Empire. The cost of this war was much larger than which the British had anticipated. The cost of a war is something which people tend to forget about, for example, it has been said that Germany had only finished paying their WWII reparations quite recently!

South Africa, warts and all became in 1994 a part of the new South Africa. Instead of acting in a strategic method such a joining the ANC en masse, the National Party preached opposition politics. This is the same National Party who did not fulfil their promises to 32 Battalion and who still has to come clean about the downing of the Helderberg with all its passengers. Whatever the situation, it is the current ANC government, as successor in Law which will have to pick up the tab for any resulting damages that might arise. Pockets of the old ideas might still remain in the ANC’s South Africa. Especially amongst the authority entities which were created years ago. According to Pik Botha, during the early 2000’s in a conversation with investigators about the export of the 320 Ratel Infantry Fighting Vehicles to Jordan, he stated that an investigation into corruption into inter alia Armscor was of such a damning nature that no government could afford the story to become public knowledge. According to him at the time the damage would be so damaging to the government, also the ANC had inherited this entity from the NP government.
In the book “The FALL of the ANC – WHAT NEXT?” By Prince Mashele & Mzukisi Qobo, they write “During F W de Klerk’s tenure of the presidency from 1989 until 1994, the deficit increased from R 91, 2 billion to R 237 billion (in current prices). Where did all this money go?”

Meanwhile in the security establishment, the Crime Intelligence division of the Police in 1992 instigated a policy of concentrating on the right wing activities. The only reason thereto was that whilst there, such a threat, it would always be of a minor nature. By manipulating the threat and stage managing the issue the Crime Intelligence Division would become a immensely powerful cog in the State’s security framework. Information would be manipulated until it reached a point where these structures began looting and stealing for their own pockets.

In the APEX matter, the company was liquidated under a cloud of irregularities committed by these officials so in the employ of the State. The effect thereof was that 60% of the known coal reserves in the RSA was bought for a paltry sum and transferred abroad. Names such as Messrs Christo Wiese at the SA Reserve Bank, Michael Blackbeard, Dr JJ de Jager, Me Gill Marcus, Herman Crousse – Intelligence Agent, George Darmanovitch – Intelligence Agent, Kobus Schabort – Attorney, Jaco Roos – Attorney, Adv Glynis Breytenbach – formerly from the National Prosecuting Authority’s names and many more were mentioned.
It was also mentioned that a certain Aysha Pienaar was engaging in a sexual relationship with Min Jeff Radebe, the Min for Justice and Constitutional Development. All these persons colluded to steal the rights from Apex. Even the Intelligence Agencies was running a program based on the allegations that the deponents to the affidavits in this study were running operations for rogue countries in the Middle East as well as for terrorist groups, this without any proof. This was disseminated as fact. Yet, nobody in the Intelligence Services until today had been prosecuted for disseminating blatant lies and/or been investigated because these lies were created with only one aspect in mind, namely that it was designed to steal the coal rights.
This type of activity is obviously followed in all the strategies as set out by these people. It is forwarded to embassies as the truth. Not even Will Smith in the movie “Enemy of the State” will believe that such things actually happens in real life.
And yet, it is Afrikaans names that dominate.

The late Deon Basson wrote about corruption in the old ZAR (Zuid Afrikaanse Republiek”) as follows. Paul Kruger’s family (President at the time circa 1899) had granted themselves an amount of British Pound 500 000 as loans, this in 1899. These moneys were deposited in British banks and were never returned.
In all of these issues, it is Afrikaans names – Afrikaners. Is it a lack of understanding? If not, then what? The Afrikaners is nothing actually than a common language group of pride and honor. Due to their actions, more on this issue will be address in Part 4


  1. All I read was "Afrikaner-bad", everyone else good. Have you EVER heard of liberals? De Klerk, Pik Botha and the other turncoat, Roelf Meyer are all turncoat liberals. They just happen to be Afrikaans-speaking. In case you missed it, it was the Boers who built South Africa up from nothing - against the odds. So if you think it's the "Afrikaners" who are to blame for the current demise of South Africa, then you need to go back to your drawing board. EVERY country has lily-livered liberals, who spoil the world for everyone else with their cognitive dissonance. De Klerk put his own personal ideology above those of the country. We could have resolved our own problems without negotiating with a bunch of uneducated liberation terrorists. Instead our “leaders” were dazzled by the colour of their 30 pieces of silver and released a murdering terrorist from prison, so as to appease the world, at the expense of our country. Today you see the consequences. So stop blaming the “Afrikaner”. You sound like a scratched stuck record with a personal vendetta.

    1. Lime Lite you on to something here.. Please help us see more.

  2. In case, you did not understand, it is not my intention to blame Afrikaans speaking people, on the contrary they are what South Africa is all about. There are the few exceptions like De Klerk and so forth. If you had read the South Africa Living in a Cuckoo land series perhaps it would enlighten you. For the record, I do not have a personal vendetta and the articles were written in collaboration with others in an attempt to understand why South Africa is in the grips of becoming a haven for communists, murderers and elimination of white people.

  3. It was the Liberals who destroyed this country for all our wealth to be controlled by the Americans and the British who are raping this country of its riches and dignity. Everything controlled by the liberal Free Masons so as to destabilize our economy, not the Afrikaners as being portrayed above. Reality, Propaganda to suit the masses. Today the truth is to destroy Christianity, Word of God. Only fools are taken in by Liberals.

  4. In case all of you above have missed it, the South Africa Living in a Cuckoo land series as well as these Sins of the Father has all been written by the master of Cuckoo himself, Johan Erasmus.

  5. Wrong, Cuckoo land series is my work and Sins of the Fathers is written in collaboration with others. Johan Erasmus might have contributed but there were others as well.
