Sins of the Fathers – Part V – And the Children are they a Waste
or not?
What has happened to the future of South Africa?
Is it bright? Is it not? Why not?
It has become particularly fascinating to note that there is a group
working through Intelligence circles who are hell bent on stealing. In this
regard, they have access to politicians, and they present lies as facts in
order to steal. This from the children that must shape the future.
Who are they? How do they manage?
Let us examine the situation and identify the names.
A name that has been mentioned so many times, a certain George
Darmanovitch and his coterie of evil supporters. Actually he supports them,
lunches and money etc… At his lunches, every week at restaurants throughout
Johannesburg and Pretoria one will find easily 12 or more people and a parade
of coming and goings. Intelligence agents, Policemen, Military Intelligence, Crime
Intelligence, Journalists etc. Of course, there is one name that stands out, CHAD
THOMAS! Is a person that hosts a program called “CORRUPTION BUSTERSs “on ChaiFM, however he
neglected to tell them that he was arrested for alleged fraud. The Corruption Busters was busted for alleged
corruption. He claims that he was framed! ChaiFM is a radio station is a radio station for
the Jewish community in Gauteng or as far as the signal can travel.
Let us look at this unsavory individual!
Thomas works extremely closely with Darmanovitch. They have various
journalists on their payroll i.e. Jacques Pauw, also acutely unsavory. He seems
to creep around like a Hyena. He writes stories for “City Press” and these journalists write articles
that are then referred to as so called evidence by Chad Thomas. It was alleged that
Thomas also had an affair with Sally Evans, an investigative journalist working
for Mail&Guardian.
Indeed, it would appear that he is an agent of influence.
According to Darmanovitch, Chad Thomas is the mechanism through which he, as a
self confessed consultant for the Intelligence Services (whatever that may
mean) can influence the Press. And that they certainly do. What is the truth
and what is not?
CHAD THOMAS is also allegedly a big mate of Diane Kohler-Barnard,
member of the Democratic Alliance (DA) in the RSA Parliament! Indeed, it would
appear that he is very closely affiliated with various members of the
opposition in the RSA. The reason thereto is apparently to influence to
Opposition and to impart information about President Zuma. On the one hand, they claim to
be working for Pres Zuma via the Intelligence Services and on the other, they provide
information about the President to the Opposition. Indeed, an extremely worrying
situation and most unsavory.
The truth of this group is that they seem to be nothing else as ridiculous
con-artists. Their modus operandi is to target a profitable business and to cause
problems for the owners of such. Then they approach the owners based on that,
they can intervene and correct the situation. In this regard, they work closely
with the members of various Intelligence structures, The National Prosecuting
Agency (NPA), the Police Service (SAPS), The Revenue Service (SARS). Their sole
objective is to steal. In
the APEX matter where 60% of the South African Steam coal reserves were sold
for a pittance and transferred abroad, their names appear in the criminal
Despite all of this, the DA’s Musi Maimane – soon to be the leader
of the DA in Gauteng is a

reputed close contact of CHAD THOMAS! Is this what is meant by the sins of the Fathers when the Children fail to understand as to who are the crooks and whose not? Why would one want to maintain contact with people with such a tarnished background? A program was made on the TV station CNN7 about the people who would shoot crooks, take all their illicit gold, diamonds and money and are protected by the SAPS. Thomas and Darmanovitch had been fingered as being a part of these happenings.

reputed close contact of CHAD THOMAS! Is this what is meant by the sins of the Fathers when the Children fail to understand as to who are the crooks and whose not? Why would one want to maintain contact with people with such a tarnished background? A program was made on the TV station CNN7 about the people who would shoot crooks, take all their illicit gold, diamonds and money and are protected by the SAPS. Thomas and Darmanovitch had been fingered as being a part of these happenings.
Seen at the lunch tables, and sometimes dinner too were such
luminaries in the SAPS such as Col Francois Steyn and Col Frik Smit. In the
case of Col Steyn, he was exposed In the M&G as the man who had received a dubious
loan of some R 400 000 from Radovan Krejcir, the Serbian in arrest and in prison
currently in South Africa. In his several court appearances, some police
officers were eventually also arrested. These police officers arrived at court
in Porsche Cayenne’s! Indeed
South Africa was last year after Greece the 2nd largest importer of
Porches!! These Policemen are currently out on bail. And Col Steyn? No word
about him.
What is going on? Why are
these children of the future drowning the future of their children in such a cesspool?
Do they believe that the “SOPARANOS”
must be re-enacted in South Africa?
Darmanovitch and Chad Thomas are leading many people to believe
that they can collect moneys due to them. However, darned few people can attest
that they have received their moneys due. These people can all testify that
their experience is that they are introduced to Col Steyn and Col Frik Smit
from the SAPS as well as journalists such as Jacques Pauw. When one does not need
to play their game, these journalists will go out of their way to publish
articles about such persons in an extremely negative manner in order to slander
them and to create false suspicions. They also claim that they have access to people such as Mike Bolhuis and
Paul O’ Sullivan, 2 private investigators into crime with incredible networks
and that these people are actually in their employ. Is that not a
Thomas has an email address that reads as follows: now the questions is, which presidency? Was this not designed to mislead people?
To create the impression that he is a person of high influence. That he and
Darmanovitch have access to President Zuma and that they can bring things under
his attention? All this whilst they move around and stating that Pres Zuma must
be taken out because of corruption and that they had been in contact with
ex-Pres Mbeki and stated that they support him against Pres Zuma. This is the
same ex-Pres Mbeki who claims that because he is seriously implicated in the seriously
excessive Arms Deal Investigations that all Africans must be corrupt because he
is in the spotlight.
Mbeki makes one critical mistake, all people are by inclination corrupt, not just Africans, but in his case, there is certainly a case to answer. A Berlusconi this Mbeki is not. Powerful he is actually, due to his ill gotten gains, so why does he want to insult all Africans? What about the beam in his own eye? And yet Darmanovitch has been alleged to claim that he is talking to Mbeki and that he supports him!
Darmanovitch is always since his childhood days with a shadow
known as David Saffi, from Lebanese origin and known to be quite handy with his
fists and a knife.
David and a certain Gerome Saffi, family of David, been alleged
was instrumental in luring the German, Uwe Gemballa to the RSA. Gemballa
according to the allegations various witnesses were eventually murdered under instruction
of Radovan Krejcir. However, at the time Davis’s son had been working for Krejcir
as his in house attorney. In this bouillabaisse,
Darmanovitch’s name appears repeatedly. The question is to what extent was
he involved with Krejcir? In this regard, they claimed that they could introduce
people to many highly placed officials such as Col Frik Smit and Francois Steyn.
Is this why Col Steyn could end up with a R 400 000 loan from Krejcir, albeit in a roundabout way
according to the M&G? They claim to be working via a certain Henry Malume
and claim that they have access to a certain Frikkie Lutsky, a billionaire from
Middelburg, Mpumalanga.
Not only have this but Darmanovitch and Thomas also been in
contact with people such as Genl Nyembe, the Head of Defense Intelligence, Genl
Modise and a Col Ngobeni. These three persons have been pointed out as being
set on abusing the State’s resources in order to enrich themselves. In this regard,
they are in serious competition with Dennis Buthelezi,
the Director Genl of the State Security Agency (SSA). These people have no scruples in telling people that they want to share in the business and that all of the problems will then go away. The problem that they created in the first instance! These two poison brothers have no scruples in badmouthing Genl Richard Mdluli when it suits him and sends disinformation into the world about him. They do the same with Genl Sibiya, the Head of the corrupt HAWKS investigation unit of the SAPS. They also claim that Genl Sibiya is at their disposal and parades him at lunches whence he appears. Unknowingly that they are parading him in order to fleece one or other innocent victim.
the Director Genl of the State Security Agency (SSA). These people have no scruples in telling people that they want to share in the business and that all of the problems will then go away. The problem that they created in the first instance! These two poison brothers have no scruples in badmouthing Genl Richard Mdluli when it suits him and sends disinformation into the world about him. They do the same with Genl Sibiya, the Head of the corrupt HAWKS investigation unit of the SAPS. They also claim that Genl Sibiya is at their disposal and parades him at lunches whence he appears. Unknowingly that they are parading him in order to fleece one or other innocent victim.
parades himself as the “CORRUPTION BUSTERS “on a Jewish Radio station. Perhaps
he reckons that the Jews represent the wealthier segment of the general
population and that he can set them up so that his partners in crime can fleece
It is true that they do have contacts throughout the
Intelligence structures, but it seems to be equally true that everything, which
they claim and do, is done through bribing, blatant corruption!
In a matter at the Johannesburg Property Company (JPC) (Pty) Ltd,
a company created by the Municipality of the City of Johannesburg in order to administer
the Municipal Properties, the following transpired. A certain Peet Viljoen who
had engaged the services of CHAD THOMAS as a so-called private investigator
summarily dismissed Thomas after information was received by him, which alleged
that Thomas had persuaded Col Frik Smit of the SAPS to have evidence, disappear
against the suspects. In this regard, it was also alleged that Thomas further
blackmailed a certain Rawson for money in order to keep quiet as to the role of
Dimension Data’s role in the purchasing of stolen properties from the
Johannesburg Municipality. This was actually part of a program as aired on
Carte Blanche.
It was also alleged that in the weeks following the
disappearance of the evidence that Thomas whose motor vehicle was about to be
reposed by a bank was instantly seen driving a brand new BMW 5-series. The same
Col Frik Smit suddenly withdrew his application to a financial institution for
some R 300 000 which he needed to pay for his daughter’s University fees.
Me wonders why? It walks
like a duck, it quack’s like a duck….
But this does not stop here. Ze CORRUPTION BUSTERS was at it again. There are
allegations that Thomas and Darmanovitch along with Gerome Saffi had obtained stolen Johannesburg Municipality property near Bruma Lake for R 3 million and sold it to some Chinese for R 94 million. These matters were reported to Genl Sibiya, their friend, whom they are setting up for a fall, all behind his back. However, the question is what has happened to the profits? These people have been implicated in so many things, many with substance they seem to be incredibly clever. Either they are working for a still unnamed and an unknown group of people who are protecting them or else they have hidden the moneys somewhere!
allegations that Thomas and Darmanovitch along with Gerome Saffi had obtained stolen Johannesburg Municipality property near Bruma Lake for R 3 million and sold it to some Chinese for R 94 million. These matters were reported to Genl Sibiya, their friend, whom they are setting up for a fall, all behind his back. However, the question is what has happened to the profits? These people have been implicated in so many things, many with substance they seem to be incredibly clever. Either they are working for a still unnamed and an unknown group of people who are protecting them or else they have hidden the moneys somewhere!
Is it the sins of the fathers by spawning such evil or bringing
them up in such a manner?
Is it therefore a whole generation that is going to waste?
Perhaps a request must be made to the public at large who have
any information about these people to email the investigating officer, which
arrested CHAD THOMAS.
Could it be as to why CHAD THOMAS was very quiet about his arrest that
he wants to strike a deal with the SAPS against his compatriots? One can but
only wonder!!
Comment from Laura
The above article was circulated by
email two days ago to various people, including politicians, and as a blogger, I
could not resist including this in part 5 - Sins of the Father. It is rumored that
some people are annoyed because of the email distribution, however, I think it’s
fair and unbiased to raise remarks or opinions and this story does blend in with
the Sins of the Father story-line.
A high five for Freedom of speech!!