Hope this blog finds you all well.
A busy week for the media, the news of Nelson Mandela, the president Obama visit, and the usual murders, corruption, rapes and other horrid crimes here in South Africa.
Last week I shared one of my published articles with you, and this week I would like to do the same. As South Africa is constantly in the news this week, I will share my article on President Zuma and his speech regarding corruption. This article was written during May 2013.
Zuma: We are corruption Busters

Of course, President Jacob Zuma would say his party the defiant ANC are the corruption busters, and why not, with the new secrecy bill passed through parliament this week. The new secrecy bill will certainly give the president more power and together with the extreme corruption faction, will be able to conceal their unscrupulous behavior from the public.
Corruption started in government several decades ago, and under the old system appeared more discreet not escalating to the astonishing extent as it is today. Corruption spreads from government right through to the public servants, and reaching the private sector to. Whom I must ask will be the corruption busters, the government, the police, and the civil servants. No, I do not think so, they are corrupt, and continue to seize every opportunity for self-enrichment through their deceitful schemes. The only time they will testify against another is when the pressure becomes impossible against their own secret hidden agendas.
As a citizen of this country, I can honestly say the government does not disassociate itself from corruption, they only pretend to. A few honest members of the public are the real whistle blowers of corruption. Exposure to crime happens everyday, by the police, municipal and other public servants. The stories are endless, and the amounts of money they try to extort from people is absurd. Laziness and timing are also a form of accountability for the smaller evil actions taken by the police. The drug dealers around the country have become a nightmare; there are no ends to their disgusting habits and why, simply because they are corrupt. As citizens, we continually report incidents to our incredible police force only to encounter rejection, simply because of corruption.
Tender fraud and corruption will not stop. A few small private companies presented tenders, to the relevant government departments and immediately disqualified because they did not have an ANC membership card. I ask again, how can the honest businessperson expand his business and generate employment when all criteria's for the tender were met except for the membership card. How can we look forward when the corruption system is securely in place for the benefit of the ANC party members? After all, it was Zuma himself who said, "It is cold outside of the ANC."
Oh, it has happened again, the President and his administration have mentioned a few measures on how they want to expose corruption. It is another misleading promise!
Well hope you enjoyed. A quick update, I should receive a proof copy of my book toward the end of this month and if all is good, can go ahead and publish. Next week I will share another chapter.
All the best.
Your friend,