Sunday, February 7, 2016

How Serious Is the Radon Problem

Radon gas, science
Radon gas
We might ask what serious problems Radon can cause. Radon is a constant chemical element, formed through the thorium (a natural occurring radioactive chemical element) and uranium (a heavy silvery white radioactive metallic element) that will degenerate into lead. The two most common radioactive elements on earth are thorium and uranium.

Radon is not produced as a commercial product. It is a natural radioactive gas, discharged from the breakdown of uranium in rock, soil and in some instances well water. Radon referred to as the decay product from the chemical elements of thorium and uranium can continue to decay and generate new daughters for tens of millions of years. It is the new formed decay that are solid and stick to surfaces, like dust particles in the air, on paper, plastic bags, paints, building materials and other low set insulations.

Radon is soluble in water and other organic solvents. Radon is considered as a noble gas and does not cause dangerous reactions with other compounds.
Radon escapes into the air and is an odorless, colorless and tasteless gas. When the dust particles contaminated with radon are inhaled, they can bond to the airways of the lung and can be responsible for the advance of lung cancer. Radon unlike other intermediate elements of the decay chains is gaseous and easily inhaled. In this age of nuclear reactors, radon a natural occurring element is responsible for the majority of public exposure to ionizing radiation. Radon is the single largest contribution to an individual’s radiation exposure and this can vary from different locations and countries.

Studies have concluded that radon gas can accumulate to a higher concentration in low areas, such as basements and crawl spaces and is now found in some spring water and hot springs.
A dense substance that remains as a gas with radioactive isotopes. A health hazard due to the radioactivity component.
Underground Mine
Underground Mine
Narrow spaces and in particular underground work such as mines, tunnels, and caves are more susceptible to higher levels of radon. Average homes have a overall lower than average radon concentration than any underground site. Uranium and ore mines have higher than average exposure amounts of radon and can be classified as hazardous.

Radon trickles into the atmosphere and can build up to an unhealthy exposure.
Radon is a radioactive gas and has now been declared as the second largest source of lung cancer. As radon travels through the air, and when high levels of exposure to radon are experienced the radioactive gas can lead to serious health issues. Studies have shown a link between breathing in high levels of radon and lung cancer. It is now established as the second largest source of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking. It is a fact that Radon does affect non-smoking people.

Radon is generally used to initiate and influence chemical reactions from surface reactions. It is obtained from pumping gases off a solution of a radium salt, which will prompt a gas mixture fusion of hydrogen and oxygen. Water and carbon dioxide are removed by absorbing and freezing the radon.
Inhalation is the primary exposure of radon and ingestion of radon is not ruled out. Ingestion of radon from water is considered more serious than inhalation of the gas.
Several tests have been done to alert homeowners to radon levels. Apparently, there are no symptoms that alert a person to the existence of radon. It is a fact that it can take years of exposure to radon before any problems will arise.

Radon is a national environmental health problem. Radon has been discovered in every state of the USA and it is estimated that millions of homes have elevated radon levels. There are no known safe levels of radon, and there will always be some element of risk.

Several natural home maintenance actions can ensure your home is slightly more protected from radon gases and the sealing of cracks in floors and walls can reduce the risk. Home testing kits are available in most hardware and retail stores.

It is the incredible ongoing studies of cancer that have made a difference to understanding the dangers of radon and alerted this realization to the public. Over the past years, the tests done on underground miners have made a significant contribution to the knowledge of radon.

Another Guardian LV article - Link

Read the updated article published on NEWS24 -
 Radon is a silent killer. Could it be in your home?

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Downhill for Jacob Zuma as Julius Malema Steps Up

In an extraordinary move, President Jacob Zuma offered to pay back some of the money spent on the Nkandla upgrades, and this strategy could be his downfall, especially as Julius Malema steps up the game on corruption. When the public protector issued a statement two years ago urging the president to repay some of the money, the finding was rejected by Zuma and the African National Congress (ANC). The Nkandla issue remains a heated controversy and two political parties have taken the matter to court.
Zuma, together with the Democratic Alliance (DA) and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), are due to appear in the Constitutional Court on Feb. 9, 2016, where arguments will be heard. Then, a determination will be made on whether the president has indeed abused taxpayers’ money. The DA said it was not about the money, but rather about the powers of the public protector being recognized. The DA believes that if Zuma settled the matter out of court, the powers of the public protector would remain under debate.

The Nkandla debacle is a shaky matter, and by offering to settle the debt before the court appearance, this proves that Zuma is admitting to the underhandedness of the entire saga. Why did the president and ANC deny any wrongdoing when the Nkandla matter was raised? Zuma declined to comply with the public protector’s recommendations, and a few days before appearing in the highest court of the land, Zuma admits that money must be paid back to the state. Now that both the DA and EFF are rebuffing the proposed solution before appearing in court, things do not look good for the president.
Zuma is portrayed as a weak leader, he is making too many mistakes, and perhaps the Nkandla debacle is the biggest of all. It might not be easy for a corrupt individual, like Zuma, to fall while surrounded by allies that will unconditionally support and guard the president. This time, perhaps the president’s popularity has waned.

EFF President Julius Malema is perhaps opportunistic but he has scored a possible victory with the public, by declaring war on the Guptas, and not backing down on the “Pay Back the Money” slogan. Senior members of the ANC will delight in the latest action as they are too circumspect to challenge the president.

Malema has many issues with the Guptas not only because of corruption but rather on the vast amount of money made from government connections. The Gupta Empire has expanded its control to coal mining, arms deals, television, media, use of state resources, and illegal mining. Malema believes that the Gupta Empire will colonize South Africa and vowed to engage the powerful family on this matter. However, Malema cannot fight corruption, as he is a product of corruption. The war against Zuma is nothing but the fact that Malema no longer benefits from the tap of neverending money.



Friday, February 5, 2016

South Africa is Facing its Worst Crisis

South Africa is facing its worst crisis; the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party capacity is going to be stretched to its outermost limits during 2016. It is also the year that will determine if the ANC can hold onto power with the municipal elections taking place. People are angry, frustrated and annoyed that the government has ignored the plight of the poor for over 21 years. Within the ANC factions, there are signs of revolt in at least three provinces. Violence is a natural feather of branch meetings in the North West province. ANC is part of the macro dynamic system, and the problem with ANC is that it was not moving with the current flow.

The drought is so severe that food subsidies are needed to avoid famine and imports are rising in an attempt to avoid starvation. The availability of water now and in the future looks bleak, and the management of the water system is ready to break the back of South Africa. The ongoing power issues is a primary threat in South Africa and with the winter months rapidly approaching could spell disaster.

 There is no money for free university education, and the student movement will have to accept this fact, or tertiary education will be doomed for another year. The recent student protests for free education is continuing, and there is no quick solution. Public Education is in a mess, and the government does not seem to have a solution or plan to resolve the ongoing shortage of textbooks and lack of funding or employing competent teachers.  What is the likely outcome of the standoff with university students?

The rand continues to slide amid growth prospects, and investors continue to diversify into safer currencies and better operating areas. China continues to cut demand for South African commodities. Taxes are raised causing poverty to increase. It is a real and growing tragedy that urgently needs better management of South Africa’s resources to reduce the worsened situation even despite external influences such as the Chinese market.

As more mines close down, the unemployment crisis worsens, and there is no plan in place to create jobs. People expect grants from government and the money well is dry, triggering many to resort to criminal activities in an attempt to survive. The government cannot deal with the escalating crime that remains a danger to the country. Corruption and bribery are uncontrolled elements within the government departments.

President Jacob Zum has two serious cases to answer to around March this year, the spy tapes saga and the rationality of the session to drop the 783 corruption charges. There is the Economic Freedom Front (EFF) matter in the constitutional court regarding the money spent on the Nkandla homestead. 

Is the ANC parasitic in a way and does the ruling party survive by feeding on the blood of the unsuspecting voters? Those who are fortunate enough to be still managing positions should minimize the suffering of the poor and the unemployed. The ANC have nothing on the table that has the potential to arrest and improve the situation that is deteriorating on some critical fronts. There is nothing that appears to the innovative, imaginative competency that South Africa needs. The ANC is going to come out of this brutally bruised.

Malema calls President Zuma a crook

South African President Zuma should resign. Zuma proposed to PAY BACK THE MONEY earlier this week, a few days before the Constitutional Court hearing.
I wonder why Zuma did not agree to pay back the money when the Public Prosecuter submitted her findings two years ago.
Perhaps Julius Malema the leader of the Economic Freedom Fighters call for the president to pay back the money has finally convinced Zuma to end this nightmare. Malema is outspoken, groomed by Zuma and knows exactly what the African National Party (ANC) are capable of. By attacking Zuma and the ANC party for their quick decision to end the Nkandla debate, Malema has scored a massive PR coup, the people love him.
Linking the Gupta Empire to Zuma and the ANC government has raised a national debate on whether Malema is indeed a powerful person to go to war against the Zuma cronies. the Gupta Empire has dealings in coal mining, television, media, arms deals and free use of State resources, landing private planes causing a breech of security. The Gupta Empire was mining illegally at one stage  and there have been no repercussions.  Malema is standing firm and wants the Guptas to leave South Africa.
Zuma should retire, he has more than enough state resources to live a comfortable life and a handful of wives to entertain him.

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Johannesburg Rated a Filthy City

Recently, Johannesburg, known as “The City of Gold,” received a bad review from Chinese journalists who described the city as filthy. Besides being rated the crime capital of South Africa, the city has declined to a slum status. Overcrowding, filth and unsanitary conditions are coupled with plagues of rats and beggars and the highest rate of unemployed people. Street vendors crowd the pavements selling food, clothing and electronic items. Children, including small babies, strapped to mothers’ backs, tag along through the chaos.

The city is crowded with unemployed people who have nothing better to do than commit petty crimes or start a business selling goods to other desperate people eager to save some money. Vendors cook food on the pavements to sell to hungry people dirt cheap. Flies and the other irritating pests that swarm around the nauseating smell are appalling. The city does not have sufficient public facilities, and the few that do exist are in a dilapidated condition; unhealthy, dirty and foul smelling.
  Criminal elements lurk around the filthy streets, stealing from innocent vendors who sit in the hot sun trying to make a few pennies to feed and support large families. Shops in the central city district have employed additional security to protect the premises from lurking thieves. Steel gates, security cameras and guards patrol the area daily. Pick-pocketing is an art mastered by the young and old alike. Johannesburg’s city center is not a safe place.

Areas adjacent to the city center, such as Hillbrow, once known as the nightlife town;  Yeoville and Berea are no better than the inner center. Further away from the center of Johannesburg, residential suburbs are relatively cleaner and safer, except for several older, established neighborhoods that are overrun by illegal immigrants, drug dealers and prostitution.

The Johannesburg municipality is under the jurisdiction of the African National Congress (ANC) party.  READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE - PUBLISHED ON THE GUARDIAN LV TODAY - HERE IS THE LINK

Opinion by Laura Oneale