Sunday, June 1, 2014

South Africa Genocide of Whites does not stop!

The farm murders do not stop; it is a raging war of survival for most farmers. The violence, torture and madness connected to these deaths are not normal. Savage like intentions with each farm murder has been reported. Nobody deserves to be killed in such a despicable manner. White people are human beings and should be allowed to live and die with dignity. It is not animals or aliens that kill the innocent people it is humans. It is outrageous and not acceptable.

Many articles are written about the torturous and violent deaths of white people across South Africa.
·         What is the reason for this terrible action?
·         Why is help withheld from stopping this torture?
·         Why do people think it is inappropriate to talk about this?
·         Why are people identified as racist, right-wing, Boeremag when discussing white genocide?
·         When will someone actually listen to the cries of surviving victims and offer support?

Perhaps it is not reasonable to depend on international help or perhaps the world thinks the white people are being drama queens complaining about a few murders. It is true, each country has many local issues to deal with, and investigating or assisting South African whites is last on their list of to do things.
Then again, there are the wonderful helpful people situated around the world that hear the cry of the horrendous murders and torture of white people. These are the people who believe and give support. The strangers, who have lovingly taken the time to hear the stories, write about them and seek assistance. How do we ever thank such people?
Recently I wrote an article about the genocide of white people and here are the opening paragraphs, with a link to the rest of the story. In addition, a clear indication is the comments received on this article, people are for and against this type of reporting.

South Africa White Genocide Escalates – International Groups Seek Solution
The daily escalation of murders in and around South Africa has drawn recognition from International groups seeking a solution for this crisis. The term genocide is the deliberate killing of large groups of people of a particular race or ethnic group. The country’s whites are the victims of racial killings spiraling out of control. The pointless and often brutal slayings have no agenda or motive by the attackers and often it is the innocent, elderly, and young who become victims.
The Man that Knows it ALL!
Americans against White Genocide in South Africa, a group based in America, with the intention of seeking world attention on the white minority has lodged a claim with the International Criminal Courts in The Hague against genocide of whites. The group has received an acknowledgement receipt of the complaint and now awaits further action.
Their claim of genocide includes the murders of farmers, men women, and children who have been tortured, raped, and then killed. It is estimated that since 1994 over 70,000 whites have been murdered in cruel and often horrifying ways. The murder rate is four times higher than that of the general population.

Recently this article appeared on the internet, and it is worth taking the time to read the article :

Read this article by John De Nugent

The real WHY behind the white South African genocide tragedy
  “A FRIEND ASKS HOW CAN WE WAKE PEOPLE UP)Powerful music video by Bok van Blerk about white South African Boers agonizing about leaving their own country after almost 400 years (sung in Afrikaans but you will very clearly get the idea from the action). The Boer phrase “Tyd om te trek?” means “time to leave?”

Here is the link:

Another urgent appeal for international assistance is indicated in this recent article :
United Nations: Give the Boere, Afrikaners their independence     

Why this is important to meWith black on white genocide claiming in excess of 4000 white Farmers and over 65 000 more white people since 1994 under the ANC regime in South-Africa, Racism disguised as "Affirmative action", Daily cruel heartless attacks on the innocent we know without any reasonable doubt that independence in an independent state in South-Africa for the Boer and Afrikaner people is the only way to save said nation as said the nation is already on level 6 of 8 on the genocide list as per the international "genocide watch" org. Please add your support for Our Independence.

Here is the link :

This photo tells the story!

Friday, May 30, 2014

South Africa - Part 5 Sins of the Fathers

Sins of the Fathers – Part V – And the Children are they a Waste or not?

What has happened to the future of South Africa?

Is it bright? Is it not? Why not?

It has become particularly fascinating to note that there is a group working through Intelligence circles who are hell bent on stealing. In this regard, they have access to politicians, and they present lies as facts in order to steal. This from the children that must shape the future.

Who are they? How do they manage?

Let us examine the situation and identify the names.

A name that has been mentioned so many times, a certain George Darmanovitch and his coterie of evil supporters. Actually he supports them, lunches and money etc… At his lunches, every week at restaurants throughout Johannesburg and Pretoria one will find easily 12 or more people and a parade of coming and goings. Intelligence agents, Policemen, Military Intelligence, Crime Intelligence, Journalists etc. Of course, there is one name that stands out, CHAD THOMAS! Is a person that hosts a program called “CORRUPTION BUSTERSs “on ChaiFM, however he neglected to tell them that he was arrested for alleged fraud. The Corruption Busters was busted for alleged corruption. He claims that he was framed! ChaiFM is a radio station is a radio station for the Jewish community in Gauteng or as far as the signal can travel.

Let us look at this unsavory individual!

Thomas works extremely closely with Darmanovitch. They have various journalists on their payroll i.e. Jacques Pauw, also acutely unsavory. He seems to creep around like a Hyena. He writes stories for “City Press” and these journalists write articles that are then referred to as so called evidence by Chad Thomas. It was alleged that Thomas also had an affair with Sally Evans, an investigative journalist working for Mail&Guardian.
Indeed, it would appear that he is an agent of influence. According to Darmanovitch, Chad Thomas is the mechanism through which he, as a self confessed consultant for the Intelligence Services (whatever that may mean) can influence the Press. And that they certainly do. What is the truth and what is not?

CHAD THOMAS is also allegedly a big mate of Diane Kohler-Barnard, member of the Democratic Alliance (DA) in the RSA Parliament! Indeed, it would appear that he is very closely affiliated with various members of the opposition in the RSA. The reason thereto is apparently to influence to Opposition and to impart information about President Zuma. On the one hand, they claim to be working for Pres Zuma via the Intelligence Services and on the other, they provide information about the President to the Opposition. Indeed, an extremely worrying situation and most unsavory.

The truth of this group is that they seem to be nothing else as ridiculous con-artists. Their modus operandi is to target a profitable business and to cause problems for the owners of such. Then they approach the owners based on that, they can intervene and correct the situation. In this regard, they work closely with the members of various Intelligence structures, The National Prosecuting Agency (NPA), the Police Service (SAPS), The Revenue Service (SARS). Their sole objective is to steal. In the APEX matter where 60% of the South African Steam coal reserves were sold for a pittance and transferred abroad, their names appear in the criminal charges.

Despite all of this, the DA’s Musi Maimane – soon to be the leader of the DA in Gauteng is a

reputed close contact of CHAD THOMAS! Is this what is meant by the sins of the Fathers when the Children fail to understand as to who are the crooks and whose not? Why would one want to maintain contact with people with such a tarnished background? A program was made on the TV station CNN7 about the people who would shoot crooks, take all their illicit gold, diamonds and money and are protected by the SAPS. Thomas and Darmanovitch had been fingered as being a part of these happenings.
Seen at the lunch tables, and sometimes dinner too were such luminaries in the SAPS such as Col Francois Steyn and Col Frik Smit. In the case of Col Steyn, he was exposed In the M&G as the man who had received a dubious loan of some R 400 000 from Radovan Krejcir, the Serbian in arrest and in prison currently in South Africa. In his several court appearances, some police officers were eventually also arrested. These police officers arrived at court in Porsche Cayenne’s! Indeed South Africa was last year after Greece the 2nd largest importer of Porches!! These Policemen are currently out on bail. And Col Steyn? No word about him. 

 What is going on? Why are these children of the future drowning the future of their children in such a cesspool? Do they believe that the “SOPARANOS” must be re-enacted in South Africa?  

Darmanovitch and Chad Thomas are leading many people to believe that they can collect moneys due to them. However, darned few people can attest that they have received their moneys due. These people can all testify that their experience is that they are introduced to Col Steyn and Col Frik Smit from the SAPS as well as journalists such as Jacques Pauw. When one does not need to play their game, these journalists will go out of their way to publish articles about such persons in an extremely negative manner in order to slander them and to create false suspicions. They also claim that they have access to people such as Mike Bolhuis and Paul O’ Sullivan, 2 private investigators into crime with incredible networks and that these people are actually in their employ. Is that not a surprise?

Thomas has an email address that reads as follows: now the questions is, which presidency? Was this not designed to mislead people? To create the impression that he is a person of high influence. That he and Darmanovitch have access to President Zuma and that they can bring things under his attention? All this whilst they move around and stating that Pres Zuma must be taken out because of corruption and that they had been in contact with ex-Pres Mbeki and stated that they support him against Pres Zuma. This is the same ex-Pres Mbeki who claims that because he is seriously implicated in the seriously excessive Arms Deal Investigations that all Africans must be corrupt because he is in the spotlight.

Mbeki makes one critical mistake, all people are by inclination corrupt, not just Africans, but in his case, there is certainly a case to answer. A Berlusconi this Mbeki is not. Powerful he is actually, due to his ill gotten gains, so why does he want to insult all Africans? What about the beam in his own eye? And yet Darmanovitch has been alleged to claim that he is talking to Mbeki and that he supports him!

Darmanovitch is always since his childhood days with a shadow known as David Saffi, from Lebanese origin and known to be quite handy with his fists and a knife.
David and a certain Gerome Saffi, family of David, been alleged was instrumental in luring the German, Uwe Gemballa to the RSA. Gemballa according to the allegations various witnesses were eventually murdered under instruction of Radovan Krejcir. However, at the time Davis’s son had been working for Krejcir as his in house attorney. In this bouillabaisse, Darmanovitch’s name appears repeatedly. The question is to what extent was he involved with Krejcir? In this regard, they claimed that they could introduce people to many highly placed officials such as Col Frik Smit and Francois Steyn. Is this why Col Steyn could end up with a R 400 000 loan from Krejcir, albeit in a roundabout way according to the M&G? They claim to be working via a certain Henry Malume and claim that they have access to a certain Frikkie Lutsky, a billionaire from Middelburg, Mpumalanga.

Not only have this but Darmanovitch and Thomas also been in contact with people such as Genl Nyembe, the Head of Defense Intelligence, Genl Modise and a Col Ngobeni. These three persons have been pointed out as being set on abusing the State’s resources in order to enrich themselves. In this regard, they are in serious competition with Dennis Buthelezi,
the Director Genl of the State Security Agency (SSA). These people have no scruples in telling people that they want to share in the business and that all of the problems will then go away. The problem that they created in the first instance! These two poison brothers have no scruples in badmouthing Genl Richard Mdluli when it suits him and sends disinformation into the world about him. They do the same with Genl Sibiya, the Head of the corrupt HAWKS investigation unit of the SAPS. They also claim that Genl Sibiya is at their disposal and parades him at lunches whence he appears. Unknowingly that they are parading him in order to fleece one or other innocent victim.

And then CHAD THOMAS parades himself as the “CORRUPTION BUSTERS “on a Jewish Radio station. Perhaps he reckons that the Jews represent the wealthier segment of the general population and that he can set them up so that his partners in crime can fleece them.   

It is true that they do have contacts throughout the Intelligence structures, but it seems to be equally true that everything, which they claim and do, is done through bribing, blatant corruption!

In a matter at the Johannesburg Property Company (JPC) (Pty) Ltd, a company created by the Municipality of the City of Johannesburg in order to administer the Municipal Properties, the following transpired. A certain Peet Viljoen who had engaged the services of CHAD THOMAS as a so-called private investigator summarily dismissed Thomas after information was received by him, which alleged that Thomas had persuaded Col Frik Smit of the SAPS to have evidence, disappear against the suspects. In this regard, it was also alleged that Thomas further blackmailed a certain Rawson for money in order to keep quiet as to the role of Dimension Data’s role in the purchasing of stolen properties from the Johannesburg Municipality. This was actually part of a program as aired on Carte Blanche.

It was also alleged that in the weeks following the disappearance of the evidence that Thomas whose motor vehicle was about to be reposed by a bank was instantly seen driving a brand new BMW 5-series. The same Col Frik Smit suddenly withdrew his application to a financial institution for some R 300 000 which he needed to pay for his daughter’s University fees.

Me wonders why? It walks like a duck, it quack’s like a duck….

But this does not stop here. Ze CORRUPTION BUSTERS was at it again.  There are
allegations that Thomas and Darmanovitch along with Gerome Saffi had obtained stolen Johannesburg Municipality property near Bruma Lake for R 3 million and sold it to some Chinese for R 94 million. These matters were reported to Genl Sibiya, their friend, whom they are setting up for a fall, all behind his back. However, the question is what has happened to the profits? These people have been implicated in so many things, many with substance they seem to be incredibly clever. Either they are working for a still unnamed and an unknown group of people who are protecting them or else they have hidden the moneys somewhere!  

Is it the sins of the fathers by spawning such evil or bringing them up in such a manner?

Is it therefore a whole generation that is going to waste?


Perhaps a request must be made to the public at large who have any information about these people to email the investigating officer, which arrested CHAD THOMAS.
His contact details are

Could it be as to why CHAD THOMAS was very quiet about his arrest that he wants to strike a deal with the SAPS against his compatriots? One can but only wonder!!

Comment from Laura
The above article was circulated by email two days ago to various people, including politicians, and as a blogger, I could not resist including this in part 5 - Sins of the Father. It is rumored that some people are annoyed because of the email distribution, however, I think it’s fair and unbiased to raise remarks or opinions and this story does blend in with the Sins of the Father story-line.

A high five for Freedom of speech!!

Monday, May 26, 2014

A Box of Truth Has Been Opened and It’s Going to Be …………..

I am Laura Oneale, and I am not going to rush out and buy antidepressants. I have been writing articles on this blog for over a year. I also write articles for various overseas newspapers and have always depended on my information as being truthful, reliable and trustworthy.

Two weeks ago, I published an article relating to the Corruption allegations within the South African Defense Force. All information stated in that article was accurately researched, sources supplied documented evidence and between phone calls, emails the report was ready for publication. In the story, representation is made to a letter sent to President Jacob Zuma, detailing incidents of corruption within the defense cluster.

I have a personal page on Face Book – Delores Oneale (being my real name) where I post personal, humorous and sometimes photos. On Face Book, I also have, a page named – Laura Oneale – the name I use for writing, this is the page where I promote my entire article, blog writing. Therefore, I try to keep my personal and business separate.

People are annoyed and perhaps it is just that the truth is sometimes not so easy to believe. I would rather believe everything is wonderful, colorful and beautiful, but we know in reality it is not so. There are wars, famine, starvation, corruption and the list is never-ending. Among all the bad that is going on, there is the glimmer of hope when we look up to the beautiful blue skies and draw strength from our Maker.
Anyway this blog is amended because I do not want to offend anybody and I choose to live in peace.
Of course I will continue to write my stories and expose whatever I can but I will try my best not to involve innocent people in my writing.


Now that the box is widely open, more unpleasantness will be exposed. Well I have nothing to hide, nothing to fear and nothing to lose. Oops did I honestly say that.

What would life be without a little bit of humor and silliness? I guess the truth is powerful and can hurt one. Gosh, it just me, Laura telling the truth again.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

SV40 Virus linked to Polio Vaccination

Sharing a story from a friend about the SV40 virus found in the polio vaccine.

Wikipedia explanation of SV40
SV40 is an abbreviation for Simian vacuolating virus 40 or Simian virus 40, apolyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that has the potential to cause tumors, but most often persists as a latent infection.SV40 became a highly controversial subject after it was revealed that millions were exposed to the virus after receiving a contaminated polio vaccine produced between 1955 and 1961.[1]

The Story -      This is to warn you of what is about to happen.

Since the mid 1950s much research has been done on disease vaccinations and disease control.
Great strides have been made to prevent things like polio and small pox.
What we were not told, they actually put these diseases into places that never had it before.
In some cases, 80% of those who took the polio syrup got polio.
Worse, they introduced SV 40 into polio syrup and most of those who were at school in the early 1960s took this. Nearly all who took it have active cancer viruses in their bodies!
I am horrified that so many school friends have died of cancer since January 2014!

Worse. The authorities want to start this all again, in order to kill as much of mankind in a short period as possible.

Much has been said recently that polio prevention has to be taken again, across the world, including South Africa & rest of Africa.
"Donate to charity so charity can ensure people & children in poorest Africa can get polio preventative treatment. . ." Is doing the rounds.

RUN FOR LIFE when you hear that. DON'T GO ANYWHERE NEAR ANY HEALTH CLINIC that give out polio or similar preventative cures!

SV 40 is in all those injections, syrups and inoculations. That is 40 different kinds of cancer viruses!
It will kill you within a short time if you take that muck!

Even Rotary (a charity organization) want people to empty their savings accounts to pay for this new drive to get people to get preventative medicine.

They want the 8 billion world population to be reduced to below 1 billion in the very near future.

Google these names to find out more.

Dr. Maurice Hilleman.

Dr. Edward Shorter.
Dr. Steven Siegal.
Lionel George Horowitz.
Dr. Bernice Eddy.

The story continues -

Taken from the book, 'The Battle for Rhodesia' by Douglas Reed.

(This is not from the book. Just an introduction. Belgium Congo got its independence 30 June 1960. All hell broke out in Congo 11 July 1960. They are still fighting in the Congo today.)

From the book.
'One published document exists which, if it were widely distributed in England, might at last awaken opinion there to what has happened and will happen again in Africa, and so produce a restraining effect on London and New York. This book, The Fabric Of Terror, did achieve publication in America (the publisher, Mr. Devin Garritty, tells me that "no one in England would dare touch it"),It is an unemotional account, by a Portuguese writer, Mr. Bernado Texixiera, of what was done alone a 500-mile stretch of Northern Angola on March 15, 1961, by terrorists from a Communist camp across the Congo Republic border who, says Mr. Robert Ruark in his introduction, "did not hunger, and thirst for freedom: they hungered for rape and thirsted for blood", massacred more than 500 brown, black and white folk that day, from aged men and women to newborn babies and even babes unborn. The peak of obscenity was reached when living victims were bound to planks and passed through a sawmill.The leaders of the usual "African nationalist" organisation which carried out the massacre (called, in this case, Union of the People of Angola") were interviewed in New York four months later by M. Pierre de Vos of the leading Paris newspaper, Le Monde. They confirmed, and even boasted about all that was done. M. De Vos said there was proof of tortures perpetrated upon men, women and even children: "Do you deny these massacres?" "No, all that is true. . . They massacred everything". "Women and children included?", Asked M. De Vos. "Yes, why deny it". M. De Vos then asked about the sawmill killings, and one of the groups, "with abroad smile", said, "We sawed them lengthwise".

This is part on the drama.

Pete Seeger's music piece is apt.
Little boxes on the hillside,Little boxes made of ticky tackyLittle boxes on the hillside,Little boxes all the same,
This fellow Spoton Sokhela assaulted Mr. Errol and Mrs. Ruth Carr on the farm I now own on 21 June1994.
They decided to sell and move to an old age home.
The farm was offered to me, and so I decided to buy it. (The money side of the story is another matter.)
Mr. Carr said to me, "I should have sold and gone to a retirement village a long time ago. . ."
I took occupation on 30 November 1994.
Due to the transfer and arrangements, I visited the Carr's at Amberfield, Howick, on a monthly basis.
Then Mr. Carr said to me, "I should never have come here, I should have stayed on the farm and not retired. . ."
This was opposite to what he told me when he was still on the farm.
Then the drama stayed.
The old couple asked me to have lunch at the Amberfield community eating center.
I agreed, and we had an enjoyable lunch.
While we were sitting, there were at least 60 or more people also having lunch, an ambulance arrives and parks immediately outside the dining hall.
Everybody turned in his or her seats to have a look.
Then the murmur went through the hall as everybody knew who that an ambulance was taking away. "It is Mrs. X, she died early this morning. . ."
Then a hush, as the matter sank into their existence. They all knew it would be their turn in a short while. That is why they came to the retirement village. . .

Most of the old couples at Amberfield, the men were returned soldiers from the Second World War. They could get together and remember old times, so it was a happy club. . .
The walls of the cottages were dark grey like army barracks. . . And all were in lines like army barracks. It reminded them of old times.
All put together and were all the same.

Fast forward to 2014.

Since Amberfield, many more Ambers have sprung up.

Amber Glen.
Amber Lee.
Amber Lakes.
Amber Ridge.

Ambervalley has 780 houses, all looking the same, and all with green roofs.

I asked the security guard."Do you have a death every day?"
"No,", He said, "We have one once a week. This is called the House of God as people know they come here to die and go go heaven. . ."

A close friend of mine died ten days ago at Ambervalley.
He had cancer.
On Friday, his doctor told him, "We can't do anymore for him. He better go home to die. Call the family. . ."

He died a minute or two after midnight, which was Monday morning.

Cancer is man-made. Rather, today's cancers are man-made, although people died of cancer since the beginning of time.

These are a few names of those who developed aggressive cancer and other terminal diseases in the United States of America. They say they can prevent diseases, yet at the same time put cancer and 40 other kinds of diseases into the vaccines. Polio since 1961 has active cancer virus, SV 40 in it. (Not all doses have the same into them.)

(Never get a Flu injection, and never take Polio syrup and the other injections and inoculations  "we have to take"!)

Even returning soldiers from Iraq, were given a lethal dose of Anthrax!
Those patients who are terminally ill (E.g.| at retirement villages) are given another mix a few days before they die, or a few hours before they die.
Fomaldehyde, Potassium nitrate and mummification fluid.
These preserve the body, and kills the virus, so the patient dies from this mix and not the dreaded disease!
Formaldehyde stops the body from stinking.
Potassium nitrate makes lips and skin pink. Nice to look at.

Then as required by Retirement village agreement conditions the body is cremated/burnt to hide the evidence as what actually happened to that patient.

Where have all the old men and women gone?