Tuesday, May 13, 2014

South Africa - Part 3 - Sins of the Fathers



Roger Whitaker used to say that all politicians are like a bunch of bananas, - they are all yellow, they all float together and there’s not a straight one amongst them.
The 1930’s Carnegie Report into poverty in South Africa with reference to the white Afrikaners made the following point that the Afrikaner was too lazy to work and preferred to live as a squatter on the Dutch farmer’s farm. Few people are aware of the fact that the Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd focused on importing Dutch officials for employment in the then South African Civil Service. The reason thereto was that he did not trust the Afrikaners.

During the WWII period, one could not obtain employment in the SA Civil Service if you did not pledge allegiance to the British Colonial Authorities and the British War effort. Once one had, you got be employed and was obligated to wear a red tab in order to indicate that you had sworn such allegiance and that you would have such an employ. These issues still rankle today, although there has been seen a decrease in references to such.

During the 70’s and the 80’ the South Africans were involved in a war against the Angolans and SWAPO (The Namibian Liberation Movement) and ANC of South Africa, at that
point a banned movement. The South Africans were ruled at that stage by the National Party, an Afrikaner stronghold. Already at this time many of its supporters had become disillusioned as to what had been happening in their world, and they started asking questions. Col Jan Breytenbach, the founder of 32 Battalion, known as the Terrible Ones, writes in his book about the broken promises from the National Party and its leader who disbanded the Battalion. The Afrikaner throughout has shown a string of broken promises, a lack of decency and courage. The soldiers of 32 Battalion had bled and died for South Africa, they were used in a similar position as what the French Government is using the Foreign Legion for. At least after fulfilment of your contract with the Foreign Legion, you are legible to become a French Citizen. After the disbandment of 32 Battalion, it was then President Mandela who saw to it that they received some form of financial reward for their service.
A waste of time to accept the promises of the Afrikaners? Where are they now? Instead of reading the signs of the times, they went into opposition without understanding the consequences of their move. Today Marthinus Van Schalkwyk is a Minister in the ANC government. He is seen as a sell-out by various groups. However, his actions are just the most practical of all the professed Afrikaner politicians. Even Dr Mulder who was appointed as a deputy minister by Pres Zuma is a much more pragmatic politician than the rest.

The most intriguing to note is that during the time of the National Party leadership the Freemasons ensconced themselves in specifically the South African Police and the SA Defence Force. Unless one would be a part of this group, you would not be promoted to a senior position, with all its rewards and financial implications. Even until today they tend to play a major role in the current structures. Even the creation of similar organisations in order to cater for the new black elite was formed. The role of the Freemasons stem from the time of the British, and it makes sense. The Afrikaners were enticed into the Broederbond which would be their own secret society. Unbeknownst to them the Broederbond was in effect also a creation of the Freemasons. This makes tactical clear sense.

One must keep in mind that the Anglo-Boer war was the direct result for the decline of the British Empire. The cost of this war was much larger than which the British had anticipated. The cost of a war is something which people tend to forget about, for example, it has been said that Germany had only finished paying their WWII reparations quite recently!

South Africa, warts and all became in 1994 a part of the new South Africa. Instead of acting in a strategic method such a joining the ANC en masse, the National Party preached opposition politics. This is the same National Party who did not fulfil their promises to 32 Battalion and who still has to come clean about the downing of the Helderberg with all its passengers. Whatever the situation, it is the current ANC government, as successor in Law which will have to pick up the tab for any resulting damages that might arise. Pockets of the old ideas might still remain in the ANC’s South Africa. Especially amongst the authority entities which were created years ago. According to Pik Botha, during the early 2000’s in a conversation with investigators about the export of the 320 Ratel Infantry Fighting Vehicles to Jordan, he stated that an investigation into corruption into inter alia Armscor was of such a damning nature that no government could afford the story to become public knowledge. According to him at the time the damage would be so damaging to the government, also the ANC had inherited this entity from the NP government.
In the book “The FALL of the ANC – WHAT NEXT?” By Prince Mashele & Mzukisi Qobo, they write “During F W de Klerk’s tenure of the presidency from 1989 until 1994, the deficit increased from R 91, 2 billion to R 237 billion (in current prices). Where did all this money go?”

Meanwhile in the security establishment, the Crime Intelligence division of the Police in 1992 instigated a policy of concentrating on the right wing activities. The only reason thereto was that whilst there, such a threat, it would always be of a minor nature. By manipulating the threat and stage managing the issue the Crime Intelligence Division would become a immensely powerful cog in the State’s security framework. Information would be manipulated until it reached a point where these structures began looting and stealing for their own pockets.

In the APEX matter, the company was liquidated under a cloud of irregularities committed by these officials so in the employ of the State. The effect thereof was that 60% of the known coal reserves in the RSA was bought for a paltry sum and transferred abroad. Names such as Messrs Christo Wiese at the SA Reserve Bank, Michael Blackbeard, Dr JJ de Jager, Me Gill Marcus, Herman Crousse – Intelligence Agent, George Darmanovitch – Intelligence Agent, Kobus Schabort – Attorney, Jaco Roos – Attorney, Adv Glynis Breytenbach – formerly from the National Prosecuting Authority’s names and many more were mentioned.
It was also mentioned that a certain Aysha Pienaar was engaging in a sexual relationship with Min Jeff Radebe, the Min for Justice and Constitutional Development. All these persons colluded to steal the rights from Apex. Even the Intelligence Agencies was running a program based on the allegations that the deponents to the affidavits in this study were running operations for rogue countries in the Middle East as well as for terrorist groups, this without any proof. This was disseminated as fact. Yet, nobody in the Intelligence Services until today had been prosecuted for disseminating blatant lies and/or been investigated because these lies were created with only one aspect in mind, namely that it was designed to steal the coal rights.
This type of activity is obviously followed in all the strategies as set out by these people. It is forwarded to embassies as the truth. Not even Will Smith in the movie “Enemy of the State” will believe that such things actually happens in real life.
And yet, it is Afrikaans names that dominate.

The late Deon Basson wrote about corruption in the old ZAR (Zuid Afrikaanse Republiek”) as follows. Paul Kruger’s family (President at the time circa 1899) had granted themselves an amount of British Pound 500 000 as loans, this in 1899. These moneys were deposited in British banks and were never returned.
In all of these issues, it is Afrikaans names – Afrikaners. Is it a lack of understanding? If not, then what? The Afrikaners is nothing actually than a common language group of pride and honor. Due to their actions, more on this issue will be address in Part 4

Sunday, May 11, 2014

South Africa the Devil has a Backup Plan

The South African elections are over and once again, the African National Congress (ANC) has won the fifth democratic election with an overwhelming 62.15%. The Democratic Alliance (DA) remains the official opposition party with 22.23%, and the new kid on the block, Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), gained 6.35%.
What does the future hold for South Africans, under the ANC leadership another five years with President Jacob Zuma, not much will change for the masses? The corruption will continue, farm murders will escalate, and the minority white people will be forced to give up their land without compensation.

A dark forceful element will continue to reign over the country as the evil god forsaken people carry on terrorizing and spreading evil over the land. The socialist and radical plan to drive the white minority into a reverse apartheid system has already reared its ugly head.
Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) is the new name for apartheid. Before 1994, the whites were the minority and held all the power that left the majority of blacks powerless. Since 1994, the blacks who are the majority hold the power and the minority whites are spawned upon as thieves, murderers and, evil people. While the minority group of whites’ claim to be conscious of a higher power and live a life based on the Word of God, the masses seem to consider this an evil.
Many blacks have respect for the Word of God and respect the social differences between ethnic groups. While most favor, greed, corruption and the power of money over the Word of God. Greed is the new religion; it is the unfailing future of South Africa. Money is not a curse, on one hand, God and the heavenly bodies see money as a symbol of the abundant supply God provides to all His children. In heaven, money is seen as the energy of exchange. God’s people depend on heavenly contributions to sustain their earthly needs.

While accumulation of wealth is not entirely evil, it becomes evil when greed and selfishness are attached to money. When money becomes the dominant factor of a person’s life, the energy of accumulation becomes the motivation to gain wealth through any channel available. Money as a form of exchange should be spread about to assist those in need and end the sufferings on this earth.

The ANC rule is a method of social influence that maximizes the efforts of people toward the achievement of their goal. The direct and in-directs actions are condoned as a different conclusion and opposed to an unfair goal. The use of public funds for personal gain at the defense of the poor is a evil trait.

A man may accumulate a fortune through honest hard work, and it is when his loyalty to money is lower than his devotion to God it becomes a blessing. A person who is prosperous and remains selfish by not caring for the underprivileged cannot experience the true joy of Heaven in his life.

A man, who amassed his fortune through evilness, is never really satisfied. It is only the devils spawn who consider money to be powerful, and it is so wrong. Blatant theft from the poor is the only description of the high numbers of corruption among government departments in South Africa. Self enrichment is a curse. Over the past 20 years, the poverty levels have grown and continue to spiral out of control.
The BEE system enforced by the ANC government is once again another form of theft to destablize the white community. To insist that 50 percent black shareholding is a must through the new law is outrageous. Perhaps in large corporations and government departments this might work. In the private sector especially small to medium sized businesses will suffer. Companies with a turnover of ZAR10 million or more will have to comply with this new law.

On the flip side, The ANC government can lose from enforcing this new law. What would happen to a small white owned business started over 50 years ago, in the garage of a residential home? Over the years, the owner managed to expand the business, and in turn created jobs, contributed to the government in the form of taxes. Today, the company remains a family business, continues to generate profit, and has only one white shareholder. Now the new law wants the company to have a 50 percent black owned shareholding. Where will the business owner who has grown the company to a medium sized profitable organization find a competent black shareholder? For the purpose of carrying on the family business, the owner must now abandon the years of hard work and a lifetime of perseverance because there is no way he will give away his company to an unskillful person. He will shut down the company thereby causing a few hundred people to join the long unemployment queues, stop being a contributor of taxes. So the government loses, they will have to pay out unemployment benefits to the jobless and accept a reduction of taxation. The owner of the business will retire somewhere overseas and stay happy in a safe country.

BEE, the devil’s backup plan, will force the small to medium sized white owned companies to shut down and in turn create more confusion than before. As the unemployment sector rises, the crime will escalate, corruption will increase, and starvation will cause the death of many.
In the mean time, Julius Malema, leader of the EFF said he will support the ANC to replace the current South African Constitution, to implement the land reform policies without compensation. This is another story. However, this is a stupid idea and will cause resentment and possible retaliation. Only the dark force of misery will implement a land grab law and unfair employment practice.
While under apartheid, it was the white farmers, who provided food for the masses while the government built decent schools, provided medical facilities and homes for many. Now under the rule of the masses, schools are ruined, there are no medical facilities and the homes are deteriorating to such an extreme that homeless people are perpetually wondering around looking for a place to stay. The massacre, torture and murder of white farmers have become a slow of genocide against the whites and worst of all; food production is at an all-time low. Who is going to feed the population, imports will grow and income will decrease? Loss of taxation from exports, again the government is on the losing side.

Well done South Africa, you have shown the world what a corrupt evil government can do. While the devil might still be urging you to steal, murder and wipe out the minority. Carry on; the power of God Most High will still conquer all the evilness you have raised. As long as the white minority have a moral standing with God and obey His word, the power of light will overcome the dark force of evil.


Monday, May 5, 2014

According to Zuma the Town Dubbed Zumaville Project is Moving Ahead

South African President Jacob Zuma has plans to develop a ZAR two billion city, dubbed Zumaville project. According to reports, two weeks ago, Zuma met with local businesses and discussed the concept of building a city. The official name for the town is Umlalazi-Nkandla, Smart Growth Centre.
The proposed development has been in discussion stages for almost two years, and during August 2012 Lindiwe Mazibuko, parliamentary spokesperson of the Democratic Alliance (DA) party asked the president to justify spending one billion ZAR. In the meantime, the amount of money required to complete this project has escalated to two billion ZAR. The DA called for an investigation and raised concern over the people in KwaZulu-Natal lacking the most basic services.

At the time, Zuma’s spokesperson Mac Maharaj, said the Zumaville project is one of the many proposed developments for the rural areas of South Africa. Mazibuko argued that the public funds should be directed to support more relevant rural township projects.

According to Jacob Zuma, this new project will be the first city built by black people since the beginning of democracy. The new city will be close to the Zuma homestead, Nkandla and will include a shopping centre.

The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform will oversee the entire property development and confirmed the problems experienced last year regarding the plans have now been finalized. It is expected to have the entire project back on track within the next few months.

Private investors are allegedly involved with the project, and no names have been given. Masibambisane, a rural development company, co-chaired by Jacob Zuma and his cousin Sibusiso Mzobe are the plan of the Zumaville project.

Tender bids for the new town planning development closed on Friday and presented a small crisis with problems arising. There was clearly confusion between government departments and private business who did not know about their involvement of the project. Meanwhile, the innovative company Masibambisane, claimed bankruptcy and said there was no money. Zuma’s cousin Mzobe said he had to use his personal funds to pay wages.

The Zumaville project will face an investigation by the Parliamentary committee to ensure that preferential treatment from government is not abused. The public protector will investigate to ensure the correct procedures are followed.

The Province of Kwa-Zulu Natal is almost the same size as Portugal and measures 57,228 square miles. The Ingonyama Trust administered by the Zulu King and eight members of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform own thirty two percent of the area. The trustees are responsible for the land record and manage the mineral rights of the region.

According to Jacob Zuma, the new development will be a first of its kind, and the president did say he would create jobs, maybe this is his way of contributing to his promise. Public outcry at the cost for this project continues to annoy the people who are still coming to terms with the Nkandla scandal.

Big businesses and government departments have implemented the beginning of the Zumaville project and according to Jacob Zuma, the development is moving ahead. Zumaville will be the first post apartheid town to be built in South Africa.

By Laura Oneale

South Africa Corruption and President Jacob Zuma

The corruption ahead of the South Africa 2014 elections continue to grow and the long and short term discord are drowning out any long term view of democracy. Corruption in South Africa started many years ago, when Bantu Holomisa blew the whistle on the Mandela's administration in the early 1990s. Blowing the whistle on corruption at that time got Holomisa expelled. The big controversy around the controversial arms deal benefits the officials of the African National (ANC) party and investigations continue to be delayed.
Another huge implication of corruption was the sale of state assets by various premiers among top officials. Eskom, the electricity giant, sold its copper drying kilns and today experiences problems drying wet coal, thereby implementing load shedding across the land.

People are not obsessed with Zuma in particular, but shadow him as the pinnacle of a system that places him as the top corruption architect. The recent Nkandla scandal has not been resolved, and this has placed the president in a precarious position. The South African perception of the ANC government policy is a corrupt system, and Zuma is both presidents of the country and of the ANC party.

The recent attempt by Zuma to win over the Democratic Alliance (DA) controlled area has indicated his concern among the green and yellow (ANC) that threatens to destroy the country if a bit of blue (DA) begins to grow. Nobody is concerned with the red (EFF), its spells blood and the walls of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) will take it all should they get a foothold in the governance of the country. The power coveted in South Africa by the ANC is scary and probably all over the world.

Zuma is determined by position rather than action as the leader of the country by its citizens.. His actions have subverted his role as a preferential leader and will be remembered as a weak and strategically absent leader. Zuma a strong element of the manipulating ANC party will eventually be incompatible.

The public continues to be pre-occupied and fascinated with Zuma. Remain appalled by his criminal acts and his stance on offenders who go unpunished. The public who vigorously object to the squander of public funds is of the opinion it is a reality of preoccupation with self enrichment.

The 1994 pre-accord held one set of rules to govern the entire nation. True equality was promised to all and was the cornerstone of the constitution. The ANC has turned this rule around favoring grounds of privilege and set out different rules for the masses and another for the elite. Delusional behavior, at the expense of the taxpayer and the continued defiance of the rule of law is a real illness. The only sustainable options are persistent objections and working toward a permanent cure.

Zuma throughout his leadership has established strong social standing within the boundaries of his power and uses this polarization to achieve his goals. Had he used this influence to maximize toward a congruent and socially inclusive economic and political end game? No, he has by his direct and indirect actions condoned a different conclusion as being a clear goal. The use of public funds for personal gain and defense of poor, wrong choice is reasonable and consequently he has reinforced many of the worst traits of people ill equipped to make a full, determined decision about individual acts versus country benefiting acts.

Whether or not a suitable replacement currently exists is the moot point, rather it should be the collective party and people that produce a stop, or diversion that either excludes Zuma, or forces responsibility onto his shoulders.

Opposition parties will continue to expand their population strength, even parties with an inconsistent economic and political content. It is when those in power divert their attention and efforts inward, rather than outward that corruption continues to swell.

A comment from the public described the corruption in South Africa as the blind that will never see, the brainwashed that will never think, and the poor that will never improve. The ANC is the enemy of the sane, friend of the corrupt, illiterate and brainwashed.

Zuma is an obsession created by the media who continue to provide the public with delusional beliefs that he is none other than the most atrocious person in South Africa. The ANC party under the leadership of Zuma has displayed the worst act of corruption, and until the free and fair elections go ahead, the public continue to elect his fate.

Opinion By Laura Oneale

Saturday, May 3, 2014

South Africa - Part 2 - Sins of the Fathers

South Africa - a democratic farce?
The ruling ANC claims that it has a good story to tell!

Indeed they might have a small part of a good story, such as the building of nearly 3
million houses for the underprivileged, so called RDP houses (RDP = Reconstruction and development). However, what about the houses that had been built sub – standard? Cracking and crumbling away? Not a good story!

What about water and sewage? All the aquifers between Johannesburg and Pretoria is claimed to have to been contaminated with faeces! All the service protests are about these issues! During the last couple of months, the service protests have increased to more than 30 per day, according to some observers.

The ANC on their version had learned from General Von Giap in Vietnam how to utilize violence in order to assemble a take-over. Julius Malema from the Economic
Freedom Fighters (EFF)) knows firsthand how to employ such tactics. He will certainly be a formidable opponent in the coming elections in South Africa. The ANC will not have it all its own way. In 1994 when some of us said that everyone should vote for the ANC, we were labelled as rebels. It made sense as it’s all a numbers game. For as long as it’s one man, one vote the black vote would outnumber the white vote. Having voted for the sense at that time en masse would have ensured that the ANC would have access to the skills required to set South Africa on an economic boom track. However, more and more issues are being polarised, and it’s boiling down to black and white. The sins of the fathers!

Read this article relating to the 1994 elections and the brokered deal, the peoples votes did not matter!!
Link to Guardian LV article

Inside the ANC the SACP (Communist Party) members are standing exceptionally strong; Blade Nzimande continuously makes highly controversial statements. This whilst he is a land baron in own right. His children attend private schools. No mingling for them with the poor people whose purpose is supposedly championed by the SACP contingent. The SACP has always been known as the most Stalinist communist parties. The SACP is hell bent on harnessing the private sector far socialist goals. While they enrich themselves tremendously at the cost of the downtrodden who are extremely confused to speak for themselves. However, any little bit of relief from the government is absorbed in this milieu. The grants to 17 million people along with the provision of 3 million houses all came at a financial cost. Houses need to be maintained, the grants have no provision to serve as an enticement in order to convince recipients thereof to start looking for jobs. Due to the world economic situation finding itself in a situation of dire straits for several years and only starting to raise its head, albeit at an exceedingly precarious speed, the facts are that the pains associated with such negative contractions also had a negative impact on politics.

During this period, South Africans started looking with more critical eyes at corruption and serious irregularities. The Arms Commission established to pierce the veil of secrecy and to expose the shenanigans to which specifically Andrew Feinstein in his various works refer. The fact that corruption in this matter could reach the levels it did was only because the technocrats and the securocrats could be involved. In this regard, they quote secrecy legislation, and they have managed to gain control in the courts. Judges play along with their wishes. State funds are spent willy nilly, yet the Organs as described in Chapter 9 of the Constitution does not and is not seen as to act decisively against these issues. The Public Protector in South Africa, Adv Thuli Madonsela, has delivered a report in respect of the State funds irregularly spent on the President’s private compound at Nkandla.
Officialdom had become adept at blocking investigations into issues of corruption. Corruption under the ANC has become, writes John-Kane Berman. He specifically shows that the National Development Plan is nothing else but an instrument in order to activate South Africa into a communist enclave. In this enclave, the nomenklatura will have enriched themselves tremendously at the cost of the poor. They will be totally untouchable as they control the levers of power as well as the courts.
John-Kane Berman writes about the National Party (NP): “Ministers profited from advance information about expropriations under the Group Areas Act. Other land deals also made ministers and their friends rich. Half the Cabinet sat on the board of a company to whom they swung government printing contracts.” Nelson Mandela on becoming President proclaimed “Never again.” Indeed, never again anything such as apartheid, such as the blatant corruption. Why should we accept this?
Why was there no outcry from the civil society under the NP when these actions took place? Because in the eyes of the public they got services. Wendy Luhabe, wife of Sam Shilowa (Mbasima), previous Premier of Gauteng stated some years ago that education under apartheid was better than the education under the ANC.

Would it be a mistake to state that if Pres Zuma had put his foot down and insisted on services there would be much more contentment in the civil society? Would the ANC have been seen more as the champion of the people? Would Nkandla have become such a big issue? If there was service delivery on a large scale would people have forgiven him for Nkandla or even if he had built 10 Nkandla’s?

All Zuma’s indiscretions- are because his enemies had set traps for him, and continue to do so because he gives his enemies the opportunity to capitalise on such? The lack of discipline in the South African society needs to be checked. Can Pres Zuma at long last show us that he is the man who can take care of such or will he continue to be led by his nose through his Intelligence services, which had been severely compromised or else by people such as the “brave” General Officer Commanding of the SA Special Forces?

If Pres Mugabe from Zimbabwe could stay on for such a long time and cock a snoot at the Western World, thereby exposing their ineptness, why should he then not be proclaimed a hero? Pres Putin from Russia had called their bluff in Ukraine, perhaps it is time for the world to begin to re-evaluate as to whether the way they were bought up has substance? When reading the works by Alvin Toffler who states that the Western education system is focused on producing machines for business and not to be freethinkers, then one gets to realize that maybe there is more to learn from Africa than what one might think.

Should Pres Zuma be received on the 7th of May’s elections, it will create a most compelling situation. The moment is his to grab, forget the good story, it has not yet been told, forget moving forward – over the precipice, now is the time to take action. South Africa has so much potential, but if the Captain of the ship is acting like one
of the Oceania, who was the first to abandon his ship, then a disaster is on its way.
Should the President show us that he is serious we shall praise him, failing which we shall have to comment. Mr PW Botha had failed to take up the cudgels and drowned in the Rubicon. Pres De Klerk, despite all his awards, is the one who only took up the cudgels after he had painted himself into a corner.
Water under the bridge or is it smoke on the water?

The sins of the fathers, the more it changes the more it stays the same!

Democracy – a farce?