Saturday, December 19, 2015

Inhuman Slums of South Africa

The African National Congress (ANC) government, the department of health and social development structures are not doing their work. Before 1994, the Alexandra Township close to Sandton, the economic hub of South Africa was not such a hellhole as it is today. The South African Human Rights Commission should intervene. The inhuman slum conditions in which people live is a run toward diseases, illness, and criminal activities.

Where is the better life for all, what happened to the promises the ANC government made, where are the delivery and freedom from oppression. The ANC never had a good story to tell.

Special thanks to Guata and Claus - for sharing.

Burundi is burning

Burundi is burning and the world is watching silently and even those talking are just whispering. They may not have oil, sea, or minerals, but they sure have humans, just like anywhere else. This is how Rwanda burned and Burundi is heading the same direction if nothing is done. Prayer alone will not help, those with influence ought to speak up and show their leadership

Read the story here -