Monday, October 10, 2016

Black South Africans have no reason to live in peace with whites’, says #FeesMustFall protester

It is an instruction and a warning to white students to join the university #FeesMustFall movement. A video of the #FeesMustFall protesters disrupting a UCT lecture shows a student warning the white students.

White students warned to join the #FeesMustFall movement - Photo: ANA
The protesters want the white students to stand in solidarity with the movement and to use their “privilege”. The white students needed to heed the warning and that the matter was not open for discussion. The black students are deadly serious about taking action against the whites who refuse to join their movement.

During the video, a student said that black South Africans have no reason to live in peace with the whites.

There is a responsibility with freedom of speech. The student should be arrested for inciting violence and racial hatred. The government should have a zero tolerance across the board, the public and private sectors against this abusive behavior.

Will the Human Rights Commission take action against the students who incite racial tension and violence? We can recall that Penny Sparrow was taken to task and paid a hefty price for her comments. Now that the video recording of the student calling on her “comrades” to spill blood is public, why is the student not banned from the university, is this fair?

Will the Democratic Alliance (DA) take action?


Published on  South Africa Today – South Africa News

WITS Protest - students burn buses

The protesting #FeesMustFall students are burning buses. While the emergency services, including the fire fighters and fire brigade vehicles try to extinguish the fire, the students are pelting them with stones.

One could ask if these are students who wish to be educated for free or criminals. Are they practicing their cunning criminal activities for the future.

It is absolutely despicable that students behave in a violent manner. What would they do if the emergency services refuse to enter a protest area and save them when they are hurt, will it be another protest against the emergency services.

The Fees Must Fall protest should never have been allowed to escalate into the chaos of today. Who will pay for the damages? No education will fix their attitude of disrespect.

President Jacob Zuma condemns the action and that is not enough. The African National Congress (ANC) promised FREE EDUCATION to all during their 2014 election campaign. Now the students want the ANC to deliver on their promises.

All images from CICA SA
Published on   South Africa Today – South Africa News

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Give Thanks To Our Protesting Students

Black students of South Africa, look at this photo carefully, focus on it, let your eyes adjust, let the warm glow of the ANC’s promises in the 2014 election embrace you. Do you have warm fuzziness yet?

Give Thanks To Our Protesting Students - Image - Menzi Solomon Shange
Give Thanks To Our Protesting Students – Image – Menzi Solomon Shange

It felt so good didn’t it, as you voted for our liberating party on your voting ballot? The ANC had your back; they were going to ensure a free education! Moreover, here we are today…  First, we can’t thank our protesting students in SA enough for using the #feesmustfall movement to expose the truth! What truth you might ask? The truth about the source of all the frustration felt by millions of people in our country.

Our inept ANC Government made promises they did not want to keep. Those reading carefully will see that I said ‘did not want’ – which means they willfully avoided keeping this commitment. It appears to be due to lack of prioritization, lack of planning, lack of leadership, lack of funding due to extreme unfettered pilfering. Do the reasons matter? They lied to you while frivolously spending millions of Rands. Sickening!.

Therefore, we have unveiled the arch nemesis of free education in South Africa – the ANC, our own government.

Nevertheless, as our eyes adjust and focus on the old election sign that spread so many false hopes, thus will the eyes of our struggling students soon refocus on the root drive of their dashed hopes.
Clearly, the ANC have now helped give our youth the real clarity they need to make informed decisions, a decision that can be made without a higher education.

The students will soon realize that picking at the old tired tentacles of a long begotten colonialist era is a farce, and that the real truth resides in the three letters salient in the eleven letter word ‘colonialist’ that they mouth so readily as if it were planted there during hypnosis.

These letters are A, N, and C.

Do you have clarity now?

In the way, my son is a living part of me; the #feesmustfall is a living part of the #ancmustfall movement.

Mark my words, the student uprising is about to hit South African mainstream society like never seen before, an uprising borne of dashed hopes, and the emerging realization of the dangerous game the ANC have played with black lives.

Be afraid ANC, Be Very Afraid.

By Menzi Solomon Shange

South Africa Today – South Africa News

Friday, October 7, 2016

Is it Apartheid’s fault

We hear endless nauseating statements that black poverty, black deprivation, black oppression is the result of white oppression, apartheid, and land that has been stolen.

Nothing goes right for blacks, everything goes wrong, whether in New York’s Harlem, Zimbabwe’s Harare or South Africa’s Hope City, and it is the white man’s fault. It’s the consequences of slavery and exploitation, and persecution and “white supremacy”. Before the white man’s time, the rivers flowed with milk and honey; the cattle were fat, and the wheat turned into mealie meal all on its own.

Is it Apartheid's fault - Image - Front National
Is it Apartheid’s fault – Image – Front National
“DECOLONISE!” Is the cry of the radical blacks? Our problem is whiteness.
In all modesty, I will ask only one question.

In the Caribbean is an island. It is the most populated stretch of land in the Caribbean, 10.6 million Blacks occupy 27,750 square kilometers of what we know as Haiti.

Haiti runs under extreme health hazards, epidemics, witchcraft, corruption, and fraud are worse than anywhere in the world.

Is it Apartheid's fault - Image - Front National
Is it Apartheid’s fault – Image – Front National
The Haitian’s life expectancy is among the lowest recorded. Literacy is virtually non-existent. Poverty and hunger are extreme and common elements.

Haiti became an independent black state since January 1, 1804. That was 212 years ago, and it looks like a trash can after all those decades.

Is it Apartheid's fault - Image - Front National
Is it Apartheid’s fault – Image – Front National
Now I would be grateful to know how the white man is to blame for the black man’s problems.
Read the original article by Daniel Lötter in Afrikaans on Front Nasionaal SA – blad
Published on South Africa Today – South Africa News

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

A new Eden where white families can live ‘safe and independent’


The Afrikaners want to live in peace with the rest of the world and help Africa to develop the continent. Strong ties with other communities have been a steady progress, based on mutual respect and trust. While the government has implemented race laws that affect the white minority, not only affecting employment but sports as well, little hope remains for the minority. At one time Orania was seen as a hope for the future of the white minority. A hope that the town will become an independent state for the Afrikaans people. Orania a white’s only town that keeps expanding and is considered a safe environment for people to live. Crime is not a factor, children are educated without protests, and the folk lives in peace.

Now a new settlement for whites only is currently being modelled on the same principle as Orania, on a farm in the town of Willowmore, close to the Western Cape border. The new settlement known as “Die Eden Projek” (the Eden Project) aims to house thousands of white families on a 2300ha farm, where safety and independence can be achieved.
The Eden project is a non-profit company registered in July this year. The area has little infrastructure but a huge amount of water. It is estimated that between 20 000 and 40 000 people can be housed on the available land. The Eden project can expand into a larger whites-only settlement, than the little town of Orania that house approximately 1200 people.

The leader of the Eden project, Jaqui Gradwell administers a Facebook page and will not accept people if they have links to black friends. The Facebook page has 1500 members and growing. Gradwell posts updates regularly and recently stated that 371 plots on a Karoo farm are in planning stages for people of the covenant. This farm is situated in the Saartjie Baartman District of the Eastern Cape.

Gradwell needs contributions and donations, and some of the requests range from building materials, furniture, medical first aid kits, and chickens. The project has captured a significant amount of attention from interested parties, especially the Afrikaans community. It is understandable that people want to get away from crime, corruption and find a safe place to raise a family. Project Eden is a place that will give the security and independence to white people.

There are people who believe, that Gradwell is racist by not wanting other races to live on the property. In reality, it is not a racist plan, considering that, blacks have their own townships, such as Soweto and Alexandra. Taking into account the laws implemented against the minority, Project Eden, like Orania, will become a white township that will quickly grow for people who cannot leave South Africa. Project Eden will become a place where people, who are disillusioned with the African National Congress government, are looking for security and safety will move to.

Orania today, has grown, and white people live and work in that town. A town that has been built by whites only without any help from outsiders. New development is rising; a shopping center and a golf course are new additions. Orania over time has proved that white people can start over and have the security and peace everybody needs.

Now project Eden will develop into a larger town for whites only and it will be an opportunity for the millions of white scattered around squatter camps to return to a place where dignity can be restored. The new Eden project can be a place where freedom from crime, corruption, and unemployment will no longer be a factor.

The ANC government has not taken action against Orania and probably because of the size of the town. However, the ANC does not want the whites to have the pride and dignity that has dwindled throughout the democracy it would cause a calamity. No doubt, the ANC would destroy the Orania and Project Eden if they were threatening the economy and simply because the government cannot have the whites out of their control.

The successful and self-sufficient Orania project is an embarrassment to the ANC. Now the Eden project that can become a successful project for the minority race, will rock the boat once again for the ANC government.

Watch the video, recall the horrific farm murders, the crime, the protests and intimidation against the minority. The complete collapse of infrastructure, the poverty and white squatter camps that has become a reality for many white families. Can project Eden succeed and bring back the dignity of the minority group?

Published on   South Africa Today – South Africa News

You can watch the VIDEO on this link - The Eden Project -