Friday, December 18, 2015

For Christmas - Inspirational Short Stories - 5

                Winning, most people contemplate some huge win during their lives. They dream they speculate, they participate in competitions and continue to make plans for what their life would be after winning.
                It is only natural to dream and want upliftment in your life. It is good, you are positive, looking for a brighter future and better living conditions. The gift of doing this is the positive attitude you have. Alas, that alone is not enough.
                On the other hand, there are the poor people who live in such unpleasantness and poverty they do not have time to think about a better life, their thoughts always occupied with where their next meal will come from. They take their last few pennies and buy the lotto ticket, just in case there is a chance for them to win. They eagerly wait for the results and then tear up the ticket in frustration, cursing the Gods, and continue their quest for survival. They do not win because they do not know how to.
                We read about people winning, we hear about family members winning, we hear about our friends winning. Good, it is wonderful; several people have a second chance to uplift their lives. Also, you, what do you do, when you hear the good news? Does jealousy overtake your thoughts and emotions? Do you wonder why they had an opportunity to win, and not you? Yes of course you do. Yes, these people won and we wonder why. You might ask was it luck or were they subconsciously prepared to win?
                 You cannot control your emotions all the time. Nevertheless, get over yourself; it was them and not you. Change those emotions, and you will find true joy for your friends or family members who have succeeded. Do not want what they have it is a sin. One of the Ten Commandments, "Thou shall not covet", remember this and take thought about wanting what is not yours. This should be your first lesson, enjoy their success, show genuine joy towards them, and let their success inspire you to live a better life.
                You too can be a winner! When will you know that you are ready to win? Easy when you are prepared to win. It might sound cynical, but being prepared to win is having won the battle for a better chance of succeeding. Ask yourself, "Are you prepared to win"? Contemplate the meaning of being prepared. Prepared to win, yes you are probably ready to go to work, eat your food, meet your needs, and continue your life being ready to do the daily chores and routines, which occupy ninety percent of your time. You are not prepared to win, not yet.
                Winning is like sleeping, eating, playing, or working. Effort and preparation go into the regular routine we have to do on a daily basis. You make an effort and prepare your meal, you make an effort and prepare for sleep, and you make an effort and prepare for work. Without giving much thought to the daily routine of your life, you do make an effort and prepare, and so your subconscious mind continually does the menial task of what you do every day. Perhaps, your life has become so mundane; your mind has become lazy. No real sacrifice is required to do what needs to be done on a daily basis. It is routine, but sometimes out of the ordinary, something different does happen. Out of the ordinary, you get an invitation to a party, a wedding, or a holiday. Wow, now your mind is spinning, excitement and the brain are bewildered, what happened to the miserable life you are living, here is something different, and your emotions mount to experience, joy, and real happiness. Something good is happening. Great, you can change. Now we are looking for something better in our lives, we have just felt the emotion of good. Therefore, what is the difference, what must you do to prepare to win?
                Yes, you dream of the great win, and the holidays, travelling and parties your life will be full of adventure and you will have all your hearts desires. Is this good? Yes and no, let us first define what is good and what is not. Good would be to live a life filled with your hearts desires but within moderation. That is the key, moderation, having enough and not overindulging in anything. This will ensure pure joy and happiness and a long life to take pleasure in your newfound freedom. 
                Being prepared to win takes effort; it does not happen overnight and perhaps not even in a month. What you really need to ask yourself is do you want to win. If you can sincerely answer that question, without any reservations, you will be a winner. The next question you might ask is how you prepare yourself to win. Preparing ourselves to win, would be the same as preparing ourselves for anything we do in our lives. 
                Any sports person would tell you, they win because they are prepared. Time, effort, getting ready, planning, practicing, and training is part of their regular daily routine. The runner would get up early in the morning and exercise, he is not lazy he made an effort, he left the comfort of his bed and rose while still dark to endure the lonely road in the cold. He has one goal in his mind, to win. He knows, without any effort, he would not be prepared, he endeavoured, and he won. He is a winner. The doctors, the attorneys, the teachers, are all winners, have you considered why? They made an effort; they studied, endured long hours to learn, and persevered, forsaking the pleasures of the flesh to prepare for success. They are winners they never gave up.
                Therefore, what must you do, winning is a desire, for a better life. The effort, getting ready is the key. What an effort and how must one get ready, you might ask. Easy, set aside some time each day and tackle the issue of winning seriously, dedicate this particular time for training, and plan your win. Once you feel ready to win, practice, every day, practice winning, practice the emotion, feel the emotion, practice the win, feel the win. Are you ready? Receive the Prize reach your goal.

For Christmas - Inspirational Short Stories - 4


            We are as humans, considered at times to be very helpless and wretched beings.  So often during our lives, are subject to great calamities and misfortunes. Unable to prevent or foresee dangers and unforeseen casualties, we continue our quest in search of what the future holds in store for each of us.
            We are without any doubt constantly under the care of our Creator, and in His hands can rest assured of His never-failing love, which will guide us, lead us through whatever turmoil we enter, if only we would ask it of Him.  Our Creator, the Almighty Living God, knows our needs and is always ready to answer our petition.
            Having a firm reliance on our Creator for the blessing and conveniences of life requires a certain trust in Him for deliverance from all dangers and difficulties, which may befall us.
            Living with this disposition of mind creates a comforting peace and joyful existence. When a person continually renews his mind with the Word of God, changes over a period, will occur in their life. Wisdom, knowledge and a powerful conservative state of mind will surpass a depressive, dark and troubled soul.
            Making our lives easier for us, we need to heed the commandment to put our Trust in our Creator, who is able to relieve and protect us. Reaping the benefits of every Divine element and losing our own inadequacy in the fullness of absolute protection. The future will become clearer and we will have the foresight of the Omniscience of Him, who supports us.
            We, being motivated by His promises and the most powerful one is,
            "I will not forsake thee or fail thee."
            A consequential instruction, we all need to heed is,
            "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lead not onto thy own understanding."
            Knowing such a great promise and following the instruction of trusting in the Lord can only have significant benefits. A person, who without hesitation acts with this knowledge when confronted by any danger or turmoil, will undoubtedly succor to success. 
            Trusting in the Lord and his promise will give confidence and radiate a joy for others to see.  Over time, your joy and faith in the promise of the Lord will become natural and your life will benefit from the ongoing success and joy experienced. Believing, and having faith without doubting the promise will ensure great joy.
            Having this faith and trust in the Creator at the end of one's life will give confidence of the One, who has conducted, guided and lead us through all stages of life, and will be with us and guide and comfort us in the progress of eternity.

For Christmas - Inspirational Short Stories - 3


It is a well-known fact that Eagles know when a storm is approaching long before it breaks.

The Eagles will fly towards a high spot and wait for the winds to come.
When the storm arrives, the Eagle will move its wings in a position and let the wind pick it up and lift it above the storm.

While the storm rages below, the eagle soars above.
The eagle, of course, does not escape the storm it simply uses the storm to lift it higher.  The eagle rises on the winds brought on by the storm.

Now in our life, we also have storms and we all at some time will experience them. We don’t like them but will have to overcome.

We can rise about the storms of life by focusing our minds on God. It is, of course, our choice. We can overcome the storm or let the storm become a destroying factor in our lives.

We can choose to allow God’s power to lift us above the storm and chaos. Our mighty Father enables us to ride the winds of the storm of sickness, tragedy, failure and disappointment in our lives.

Choose to soar above the storm, and you will be like the eagle and succeed.

The Bible says:

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles."

Isaiah 40:31