Monday, June 23, 2014

South Africa Black Economic Empowerment and the German Nüremberg Law

South Africa Black Economic Empowerment and the German Nüremberg Law

Apartheid in South Africa Segregation in America and Remembering Rosa Louise Parks

Remembering Rosa Louise Parks, who fought segregation in America and the evilness of apartheid in South Africa, does recall the memories of some terrible historical events. Apartheid is widely condemned around the world, yet separation of races was not blown out of proportion on the same scale as segregation.

Segregation in South Africa existed until the National Party Government changed the meaning of segregation to Apartheid in 1948. Under apartheid in South Africa, there was undeniably suffering,

Prime Minister Daniel Francois Malan ruled from June 1948 until November 1954 and come into power and began the comprehensive implementation of the segregation policy.  Johannes Strijdom during his rule from November 1954 until August 1958 tried to abolish ties with the United Kingdom and removed colored voters from the voters roll and involved with the treason tried of 156 activists including Nelson Mandela. Strijdom was also responsible for severing ties with the Soviet Union.

Read the entire story on the above link and watch this video, it is interesting.