Abused White Woman Finally has a Hope of Freedom

The story I am about to tell is a real story and a story close to my heart. In South Africa and all around the world, people hear the horror stories of abuse, torture, rape, torment, and misfortune. Reading about the stories is one way to bring awareness, but when people are involved in making a difference the whole outlook of horrors changes to gratitude and humbleness.
Natasha & Chris - September 2013

This is the story of Natasha and Chris, two people from entirely different backgrounds whose lives read like a horror movie. Natasha is almost thirty years old and finally after years of suffering has the hope of freedom.
Natasha was abused at the age of six by her grandfather. Her parents divorced and her life was barely comfortable from a young child. At the age of thirteen, Natasha disappeared, according to her account she was alone in the world with no family and somehow ended up living with Nigerians. Nigerians who were notorious drug lords.

From the age of thirteen, without any formal education and no chance of receiving any, she was given drugs and alcohol and turned into a prostitute. As the years went by, she was then used as a drug mule for the Drug Lords and traveled to China, Brazil, London, and some other countries to deliver drugs and diamonds to contacts overseas. We have heard of stories about these young women taking drugs from one country to another and being detained to face a life imprisonment, but Natasha was never caught. One can only assume it was because of her formal lack of education.

At the age of twenty-two, still a Nigerian call girl, she met Chris, who came from a loving home, had siblings and a decent education. Chris displayed talents with bright prospects for the future; he too became a slave to drugs. Chris worked in the manufacturing industry and paid a weekly wage for his services. Friday was drug and booze day; he would end up in one of the drug dealers dens for the entire weekend, fed with drugs and set free on Sunday. No money, lonely and sorry for his behavior would return home.

From the age of twenty, Chris started using drugs, his parents sent him to rehab time after time, and he would be clean for a few months, and then start the abuse repeatedly. Support groups were joined, to help. Intervention from church leaders was sought, and other family members were asked to assist. This all helped to a degree, for a six month clean slate only to return to the old ways of drugs and alcohol. Nothing helped simply because Chris did not want help. Finally, his family had enough and told him to find his way in life, and turned to tough love. Chris left home.

Eight years ago, Chris and Natasha moved in together and realizing her difficult life she had led, he wanted to help her. It would be a case of the blind leading the blind. Over the years, they moved into back rooms of houses, sharing ablution facilities with mainly black people. The type of rooms was small, dark, with limited lighting, and dirty. Often one house would accommodate up to a hundred people with no kitchen facilities and had to share one bathroom. During the weeks, he would go to work and over weekends drink alcohol. Drugs became second choice while alcohol was primarily first option. It was legal and easy to access.

Their life together was a roller coaster ride of moving from one back room to another, working, and drinking. Natasha was off the street, no longer a prostitute and began to understand there was a life after drugs. The two would try their best to stay away from alcohol and for months stay clean, and try to live an ordinary life.
Natasha found her mother several years ago and had the opportunity of visiting. She met her two brothers and bonded as best as she could. Her mother moved away and for a few years; they did stay in touch by phone, but clearly, there was no love or help for the lost Natasha.

Of Course Chris’ family continued to support the two and at the age of 27 Natasha was given the chance to go to the movies, it was the first time in her life she saw the film on the big screen. She began to enjoy some normality like eating at a restaurant, a visit to the zoo or going to church.

However, the year of abuse took its toll on her health and from the beginning of this year; she was admitted to a government hospital several times. With her deteriorating health and squalor living conditions, drinking alcohol was dangerous. Once again, Natasha lost contact with her mother, and her condition became an emotional one of rejection.

Chris for the entire year remained clean, and it is assumed the stress of the continuous fighting with their neighbors, who clearly did not like Natasha and would make living conditions difficult for her. She was not allowed to use the toilet during the day, and was only allowed to shower in cold water. Their electricity was turned off most of the time, and so the continued abuse caused Natasha to have a mental breakdown. Her behavior changed from rational to lunacy. Whether it was a combination of medical tablets received from, the hospital mixed with alcohol or drugs it is unknown. She would rant and rave, throw her clothes away, mix cat food with their food among other strange occurrences, like cut her hair almost bald. Her neighbors were annoyed with the constant noise. They took a whip, and hit her shouting that it was the only way to get rid of the devil within her. Her legs are severely damaged, cut, and bruised from this beating.

The sudden change in behavior over the past two months caused Chris to return to drugs. A drug addict we know would sell all their belongings to support their habit and two weeks ago, Chris gave his car to a drug lord as surety for a quick fix. The drug lord did not refuse; money is money, and there is no end to the injustices of their structure of supplying drugs.

This last week was a nightmare; the pair was asked to leave their room by the end of the month, and a turning point for Natasha, who finally cried out for real help. It was arranged with caring people to take them to a facility where the two would once again get help.

Thursday night, Chris got his wages, and as he attempted to enter the premises where he lived, three Nigerians with guns told him to come with them. Chris knew they were from the drug lord and did not resist. He was placed in a small dark room, stripped and his money taken. The drug lord told him he wanted all his money. Otherwise, he would kill him. Chris declined to tell the entire story of what happened to him the night he was held hostage, and was given a dose of Heroin before he was set free the next morning. So hooked on heroin and full of drug confidence, Chris said he did not want help and refused all offers for a chance to change.

Natasha was adamant; her body was sore, she could barely walk, but she wanted out, and she wanted help. On Friday, with the assistance of friends, Natasha met a social worker who gave her support and arranged for a new home for her. She had to spend one more night in the hellhole and would begin a new life with new opportunities on Saturday.

Saturday, with her few clothes and belongings packed in black plastic bags, Natasha entered a home for the destitute. At first, she appeared frightened and apprehensive about staying with strangers, but the overpowering love and humbleness soon brought a smile to her sad face.
Chris & Natasha - Friday June 27
Her new home is a place for destitute, needy, and underprivileged people. A place that is currently home to almost 1,500 white people that have experienced hardships in the past. With the opportunity to talk to some of the residents, the grateful and humble attitude of these people was astonishing. The energy of love and support flowing among the residents is a blessing.
Chris & Natasha Friday June 27 - Clearly in need of Help.
Tomorrow Natasha will be taken to a clinic where doctors will access her physical health and treat her badly bruised body. The residents of the home and social workers will give her support, and it is with gratitude that Natasha finally can have the hope of living a decent life.

Sadly, to say, Chris did not want the offer of help and is now all alone in his back room, living with the threat of a drug lord who wants to kill him. Chris is well aware that he may not ask the police for help, and his choice of not taking help will ultimately be his downfall. It is a known fact that the drug lords are merciless and cruel. Two horrific killings have happened to users who did not pay their drug bill recently.

Author’s note :

I am well aware of the heartache and suffering of parents that have children who are hooked on drugs. For many years, I have been involved with support groups, extending support and receiving support. Chris is my son, and this is the child I know, not the 'devil one' existing today.

Chris a few years ago.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

GMO in Foods - Plea from South African Farmer

A South African Farmer is outraged with the agricultural and chemicals companies around the  world and their intentions to ruin the farms. This is his letter that he sent to the Farmer's Weekly for publication.

This is a draft copy I plan to send to Farmer's Weekly.

Please publish my letter.

            I wonder who you are?
Dr. Chris Palmer (FW, 20June) hits back at letter 'More GM outcry (FW, 23 May) with a rather good explanation. I could see his accreditation will be good coming from his employers, i.e. big agriculture/chemical company.
National Geographic, July 2014, gives a good report on what the United States and China are doing in Africa.

Therefore, we can see that it is here in Africa, big agriculture companies whom from the USA supply 70% of their own food and small-scale farmers from Mainland China where 70% of their population supply food for their population.
On any account when either is in, they will say to us, who have farmed the land in Africa since before 1900, "We do not want you, , , goodbye."

How many laws are broken, promises broken that are not justified, in order that these global giants come in? Breaking the law does not justify them to take over.
My father was still planting citrus trees at the age of 90, a few weeks from his 91st birthday, when on 9 September 2001, he was poisoned. He died right inside his house. He had had his breakfast and went to feed his two dogs on the veranda, he died while still standing up, and he had no time to stop his fall and put his hands out, as he was dead while standing. His head hit the stonewall leaving his hair on the masonry.

The police were called, a sergeant came in his van, stood outside my father's house, did not come into the house, and he could see his body at a distance of about 20 meters. The sergeant said, "I can see his dead body. I can go now and make an entry at the station. .." He drove away without even touching his body or look for any telltale evidence.
His GP was called; it was a Sunday, and he said over the phone, "I know he had a heart problem, come to my rooms tomorrow, and I will issue a death certificate..."

During 2013, I had a dream. My father came to me while I was at his house. He said to me, "I should be dead now. I am alive, if you tell my GP I will die..." then he was gone.
Also during 2013, I reported to the police the poisoning of a dead cow that happened on my farm and opened a case. A bunch of police came and said they found another dead animal on my farm and wanted me to identify it as mine. While speaking to one of the police officers, he said that chemicals are used that cannot be found in any autopsy.

Another animal was killed after I had opened a case! Therefore, I knew what he was angling at. "We killed your cow and your father.. ." This matter obviously cannot be brought to a court of law and get a conviction. It would be thrown out. Not enough evidence.. .
In addition, I knew that someone had poisoned my father. Why did the police not look further to find out what killed him? Why did his GP not see his body see what was wrong before issuing a death certificate?

We find out these things when it is too late.

I have from my own observations worked out what was possibly used on my father that killed him instantly. Black Widow Spider (Lactrodectus mactans), Grand cactus (Selenicereus) ) Indian Suicide tree (Cerbera odoera), Deadly nightshade (Atropa belladonna) and Aconite (Aconitum napellus).

I will not buy anything that is GMO if I can help it. What else is in GMOs that we have not been told about? Many products on the shelves in the supermarkets do not mention on the label whether the product is GMO or not.
Food that is not up to standard or worse has side effects and consequences.


Note to Editor.
The central theme in my letter is Big Pharmaceuticals, and Big Agriculture Companies work together to get the land in Africa. We did have the opportunity to say good-bye to him. They did not want my father, they wanted his farm. All the 4000 citrus trees have been cleared away and sugar cane planted instead, done by a large agriculture company. My brother who inherited my father's farm was forced to leave and sell to due his paying land rates and having his own farm animals poisoned, thanks to a vet and a police officer. (Names withheld.)
In addition, a very drunk President Gerald Ford gave China the right to occupy Africa's large cities and small towns and take any oil during December 1975 when he visited what was then called Red Chi

Thursday, June 26, 2014

South Africa - Part 10 - Sins of the Fathers


We have said it before! South Africa has become a backwater infested with large groups of thieves and criminals. These criminals and thieves are employed in the State structures and have cloaked themselves in the Law, whereby they abuse the legal system in order to steal on a magnitude seldom ever heard.
Various people have suffered because of these people and their insatiable appetite for stealing and their inherent laziness pertaining to work. Either predominantly these people are from an Afrikaans background, or they are Afrikaners.
Institutions such as the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), as described by Retired Judge Johan Kriegler as a corrupt institution, are one of the main instigators of all these corrupt actions. In this regard, they falsify documents in order to assist these criminals in stealing. Not only this, they are today involved in a fight as to who will reign supreme.
Why? The only response one can come to is the fact that somebody is feathering his or her nests – big time!
Reference had been made many times to the role played by Adv Sean Abrahams, acting head of the division for crimes against the state, Adv Torie Pretorius and Adv Chris Macadam. Whilst it was Chad Thomas, the corrupt corruption buster, who alerted the world to the fact that there would be an article about a senior prosecutor who had left the NPA, which could only be as it turned out Adv Glynis Breytenbach. Whilst they have made a big song and dance that her lifestyle must be audited, then what about that of the three gents mentioned before. It was alleged that Adv Sean Abrahams was the man who dropped the investigation into Gijima, an IT services company run by the man Bushbuckridge, a weak and very dangerous place. This all happened, and it was in relation to a multi-billion rand contract with the Police Service (SAPS) around 2010.
These are the same people whose names pop in many cases, yet they rule the roost. Why? Is it because Pres Zuma wants them there? Have they been telling him and his advisers the truth? It would appear that there is an enormous gap between the truth and their versions. Is Pres Zuma a lame duck President? Is he suffering from AIDS? ( The showers did not work?) Is he suffering from radiation poisoning?
 ( In 1994 a substantial quantity of radiated isotopes had gone missing). Not too long afterwards ex-
President De Klerk was quoted as saying that after 20 years the ANC will not be in power anymore. Could this be coming true?
Let us look at certain case studies.  
In the case of Peet Viljoen, an attorney – he was disbarred based on the fact that they framed and victimized him. Despite him lodging complaints with various institutions, nothing had happened. The fact that a police officer appears to be bribed in order to frame him had not yet been resolved and seems that it will never be resolved. Despite him appointing the corrupt corruption buster Chad Thomas, nothing came of it. The result was that Thomas’ services were terminated. Viljoen noted that all the people around Thomas and George Darmanovitch, the owner of IRS, whence Thomas was the CEO, was only out to knock people. I.e. to create the impression that they could resolve issues and  milk their targets whilst absconding with the moneys.
Real confidence tricksters!
Darmanovitch and Thomas control journalists. If it were not for their criminal activities, it could have been
described as a brilliant operation. Journalists such as Angelique Serrao from IOL ( The STAR), Sally Evans and Sam Sole from the M&G, Jacques Pauw from NEWS24 are some of the people they claim to be under their control. In the RSA Parliament, that is a sorry excuse for a functioning organ of democracy, their big friend is Diane Kohler-Barnard from the Democratic Alliance (DA). They and their corrupt friends have been sowing vast amounts of disinformation in the parliament. Due to the workload of these parliamentarians, as well as some laziness in certain cases, they do not bother to check out the veracity of this information. In the South African legal sphere, there exists legislation to deal with corruption. Act 12 of 2004, states explicitly in section 34 that if one knows or even suspects and fails to report such corruption, that oneself can then be charged under this law on criminal bases by not working to prevent such corruption.
Would this not be a pleasant route to follow against all these overweight, well-fed parliamentarians that are weighing the gravy train down? When ? Probably sooner than later! Watch this space!
Frankie Lutsky, a businessperson from Middelburg, Mpumalanga had lost much money in a scam. Thomas and Darmanovitch also had to help him to resolve the situation via their so-called Police and Intelligence contacts.. Unnecessary to say nothing came of their so-called investigations, and Lutsky got rid of them eventually after having parted with quite an amount of money in order to investigate this issue. The result thereof was that Lutsky had been painted in the press as a personification of an evil businessperson – this indeed was the intention in the manner of which the reporting relating to Lutsky took place.
Judges, attorneys and advocates have been implicated in all  matters.

In the matter of NGAM and the missing weapons, the following transpired. Despite the company and its directors ensuring that the weapons so contracted was delivered despite numerous obstacles and breaches of contract from the side of ARMSCOR Ltd, the State-owned procurement arm for the Department of Defense, NGAM  delivered on the contact. Till date, Armscor had short paid them by more than R 90 million and growing. True to the corrupt nature of Armscor, they had set out to try and destroy this company. In this regard, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Armscor, in his capacity as acting CEO for the past 6 years has bad-mouthed Erasmus and NGAM whenever and wherever he could. This is the same CEO, Sipho Mkwanasi, who had met on several occasions with Erasmus and Billy Mashing from NGAM. The fact is that Mkwanasi is being played by a certain Dawie Griessel, who took over Mkwanasi’s position as head of procurement, as well as Gerhard Grobler, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of 
Armscor. These two super troopers are always at Mkwanasi’s side. He lives and dies by their decisions. They are the visible face of what is wrong at Armscor.
Griesel’s name appears in the Cameron Commission of the 1990’s into the affairs of one Eli Wasan and the irregular export of arms. In “The Shadow World” about the global arms trade by Andrew Feinstein, he refers to the fact that a weapons dealer, Der Hovsepian placed a pistol against a certain Leon Vermaak’s head at Armscor, making it clear that he would not tolerate the typical Armscor b---s. Vermaak subsequently resigned from Armscor with speed.
Vermaak admitted that he feared Der Hovsepian. That might just be a good angle to deploy on the corrupt officials populating a place such as Armscor.
Whilst Mkwanasi had been bad mouthing Erasmus and NGAM, only to steal their contracts and their contacts, he was clearly not the brains. Griessel and Grobler are indeed only two of these corrupt securocrats behind him. They unleashed SARS 

( The Revenue Service ) on Erasmus and NGAM, all this whilst Armscor will not be able to stand up to any
forensic audit. In their defense, they claim everything is secret! To steal is secret! They are off course only the visible operators. Behind them stands Rudzani Maphanwya, the GOC of SA Special Forces and the retired head of the SA Defense Force, Siphiwe Nyanda. Armscor is mega corrupt.

One has only had to have regard to the history of the company. Stealing has been one of their main aspects. Even the judiciary is beholden to them. They claim to be a strategic asset and therefore they deserve preferential protection from  the Courts in the RSA!
This whilst they had been directly implicated in the Helderberg disaster, the plane that crashed in 1987 into the sea off Mauritius, with all hands lost. 
The current Chief of the SA Defense Force (SANDF), Genl Shoke,  is under the control of Nyanda. Stealing had become an immense business in the RSA. In the Battle of Bangui in CAR in 2013 ( Central African Republic), the South Africans had lost 15 troops. Nothing is heard about this matter. The entire top management of the SANDF should have been charged with culpable homicide in this regard. Especially, as the Intelligence operators, military and civil, had supplied the Headquarters in Pretoria with incorrect information, again due to their incompetence and inherent laziness.
Pres Zuma as the Commander in Chief does nothing to ensure that his military is a centre of excellence. Instead, it has become a cesspool of corruption and endangering the safety of the RSA, as well as the entire sub-region of the African sub-continent.
Erasmus has reported that their communications are being monitored, illegally as until today no court order could be produced by the authorities. Therefore, it has become clear in his mind that the State of South Africa has been hijacked by criminals with the assistance of many unsuspecting people, who due to their lack of experience and professionalism had been assisting these criminals whilst being misled. Erasmus noted that suppliers and possible clients had all received calls from these criminals in order to blackball them. As he says on his version, it is clear that the system is hell bent on their destruction in the service of these criminals. According to him there is only one solution – and that is to curse these people and their offshoot into the 7th generation. Therefore, Erasmus has confirmed that in his view these people are so accursed.
These criminals who hijacked the state of South Africa in order to steal, are so accursed and the suffering rushing towards them is of their own doing.
The fact of the matter is that all the allegations so raised against Erasmus are false. Armscor is a criminal organization who is hiding behind legislation and who owes NGAM substantial amounts.
What can one do?
It is not only Erasmus who experiences such actions, many other people are on the same receiving end of these evil criminals. This whilst Pres Nero Zuma has wasted his opportunity in building a country that could and should have been the pride off Africa. This whilst the President is not from the Zulu royal lineage and seems to be seriously ill. Will the name of the Zuma clan be erased from history? In all probability, yes! The accursed low life’s from amongst the SA State will further ensure that the President, unfortunately, not be known as a leader.

As what, that is another story for another time!  

Pale and Male in South Africa - no work for you!!!

I could not resist sharing this email.  I received this from a friend who sent a letter to Radio SAfm, really this all about color, white males will not get work.

I sent this to Karen Key of SAfm radio. She does the law report each Monday at 9 pm.

I would to take issue with your guest speaker on Monday, 23 June 2013.
He mentioned, "If you are pale and male" you will have to let someone else (of Colour) take the job.
He went on to say that the imbalance of the past has to be addressed.
I would like to put on record how humiliating that is.
I was a full member of the Anglican Church, and when Tutu was promoted to Bishop, I was told they did not want me and did not know who I was. I was White and they, who said these words, were Colored. I never went back again. That was at end of 1980s.
My parents attended the Anglican Church since their youth, and got married in that Church. Now I was outcast.
No thank you! I do not accept your guest speaker's explanation. I take him seriously. He does not want us, "pale males". What responsible White male will be able to tell his wife, "I lost my job because I am White. I can not look after you. . ." That is humiliation!
Pack for Perth! ?

I  have listened to Law Report for over two years every week.
Now I won't bother to tune in.

Good bye.

Apartheid in South Africa Segregation in America and Remembering Rosa Louise Parks

Remembering Rosa Louise Parks, who fought segregation in America and the evilness of apartheid in South Africa, does recall the memories of some terrible historical events. Apartheid is widely condemned around the world, yet separation of races was not blown out of proportion on the same scale as segregation.

Segregation in South Africa existed until the National Party Government changed the meaning of segregation to Apartheid in 1948. Under apartheid in South Africa, there was undeniably suffering,

Prime Minister Daniel Francois Malan ruled from June 1948 until November 1954 and come into power and began the comprehensive implementation of the segregation policy.  Johannes Strijdom during his rule from November 1954 until August 1958 tried to abolish ties with the United Kingdom and removed colored voters from the voters roll and involved with the treason tried of 156 activists including Nelson Mandela. Strijdom was also responsible for severing ties with the Soviet Union.

Read the entire story on the above link and watch this video, it is interesting.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

South Africa - Part 9 - Sins of the Fathers

South Africa - Burning
South Africa has become a backwater infested with large groups of thieves and criminals. These criminals and thieves are employed in the State structures and have cloaked themselves in the Law, whereby they abuse the legal system in order to steal on a magnitude seldom ever heard.
Different people have suffered because of these people and their insatiable appetite for stealing and their inherent laziness pertaining to work.
Institutions such as the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), as described by Retired Judge Johan Kriegler as a corrupt institution, is one of the main instigators of all these corrupt actions. In this regard, they falsify documents in order to assist these criminals in stealing.
In the case of Peet Viljoen, an attorney – he was disbarred because they framed and victimized him. Despite him lodging complaints with various institutions, nothing had happened. The fact that a police officer appears to be bribed in order to frame him had not yet been resolved and seems that it will never be resolved. Despite him appointing the corrupt corruption buster Chad Thomas, nothing came of it. The result was that Thomas’ services were terminated. Viljoen noted that all the people around Thomas and George Darmanovitch, the owner of IRS, whence Thomas was the CEO, were only out to knock people. i.e. They create an impression of being able to solve issues but milk their targets and abscond with the money.

Real confidence tricksters!

Peet Viljoen
Peet Viljoen was framed pertaining to scams IRO properties of the Johannesburg Property Company (JPC) where such were sold for R 3 million and then sold for R 95 million, thus ensuring a profit of R 92 million. In this regard, Chad Thomas and George Darmanovitch were instrumental in this matter. One of their partners was an attorney called Nick Zenophontis, yet nothing has been done in this regard to this band of pirates. This same Darmanovitch lavishly entertains Policemen and Intelligence agents on a daily basis. Darmanovitch calls himself a consultant for the South African State Security Agency (SSA) as well as proclaiming that he was interacting with various foreign Intelligence Agencies such as the Serbian Intelligence Agency as well as the Russian GRU – the Military Intelligence Agency. 

The question thus is, just what exactly is Darmanovitch up to? Rumors abound that he was the agent who
contracted an American hit man Chris Pazarra 
(Phonetically). Who was this hit man to be release upon? Darmanovitch and Thomas along with a shadow of Darmanovitch, David Safi , had been interacting with Radovan Krejcir, the crime boss who has failed in five attempts for bail and remains in custody. Krejcir has been implicated in the murder of the German, Uwe Gemballa, who was lured to South Africa by David Safi. Gemballa was killed when he was wrapped in plastic, and his murderer sat on him until he suffocated.

Some of the police officers arrested in the Krejcir case arrived at court driving Porsche Cayennes. Nobody in the country seems to think that this is very odd that a police officer can drive such a vehicle on his current salary. Col Francois Steyn was also implicated as receiving a loan to the tune of some R 400 000 from Krejcir in a roundabout fashion.

Frikkie Lutsky, a businessperson from Middelburg, Mpumalanga had lost much money in a scam. Thomas and Darmanovitch also had to help him to resolve the situation. Unnecessary to say nothing came of their so-called investigations, and Lutsky got rid of them eventually. The result thereof was that Lutsky had been painted in the press as a personification of an evil businessperson – this indeed was the intention in the manner of which the reporting relating to Lutsky took place.

In all these matters, it is most interesting to note that Darmanovitch and Thomas has access to journalists
such as Jacques Pauw from News24, Sally Evans from Mail&Guardian, etc. According to Darmanovitch the reason thereto is that, they could use the press to plant stories or else to suppress stories, depending on the issue on the table at a time.
Nobody pays any attention to the fact that the institutions, which must protect the State’s, interest fails dismally. In just two townships, Evaton West on the East Rand, near Johannesburg and Emonyeni near Nelspruit, more than 20 000 black families have lost the title to their homes. In all of these issues, a tremendous long list of names has been mentioned, yet nothing is done about it! The NPA is failing the country by not taking this matter up and finalizing such. In this regard, a total of nine syndicates has been identified as being involved in these matters throughout the country. The nine syndicates dovetail with the nine High Court areas of jurisdiction throughout the country!

Judges, attorneys and advocates have been implicated in these matters.
In the matter of NGAM and the missing weapons, the following transpired. Despite the company and its directors ensuring that the weapons so contracted was delivered despite numerous obstacles and breaches of contract from the side of ARMSCOR Ltd, the State owned procurement arm for the Department of Defense, NGAM  delivered on the contact. Till date, Armscor had short paid them by more than R 90 million and growing. True to the corrupt nature of Armscor, they had set out to try and destroy this company. Armscor and SA Special Forces had been working together in order to sabotage NGAM and its directors. Despite NGAM being in possession of valid permits for the importations, as well as permits for the importation of weapons for demonstration to the SANDF, their weapons were confiscated on trumped up allegations that are false. Till today, everything has been done by these people in order to destroy this
company. Their outstanding payment is still lingering, despite turning to the courts; these issues remain unresolved. The main reason thereto is clearly to the courts being used as a tool in the hands of these villains.
The Afrikaans judges all set out to delay and thereby frustrate NGAM. The SA Special Forces management under the guidance of   the incompetent Brig Genl Maphanwya and Col DBT Smit (Jamie) had taken a decision that NGAM and Johan Erasmus must be destroyed. In this regard they had left the door open for interpretation in that the role of hit men in the RSA are not there for humanitarian reasons, quite the contrary. Their view is that if they cannot succeed, then they would destroy them financially by stealing their contracts and using the courts and their contacts in the financial sector in order to do their bidding.

In this regard, they are ably assisted by a certain Eytan Nevo, who works for BIDVEST but represents an Israeli company and who is stealing the contracts from NGAM in conjunction with individual military officers.
In any other country in the world, such actions of any military personnel will be investigated and dealt with. Not in South Africa. Here they are hell bent on stealing as much as possible. Whilst there is a Commission of Inquiry into the Arms Deal pertaining to the procurement of armament at inflated prices, the real fall out of the actual arms corruption is not being dealt with.

Despite complaints from NGAM to inter alia the Public Protector, it was all for naught. Even the SA Parliament has been influenced against NGAM. In this regard, Chad Thomas and Darmanovitch as agents of influence have misled members of Parliament, especially members of the DA (Democratic Alliance). Here a name such as Diane Kohler Barnard and David Maynier has come to the fore.
 The Thomas and Darmanocitch's are probably people that can be implicated as being in cahoots in one way or another with a crime boss, Krejcir. Whilst the countries in the rest of the world claim to combat corruption; they foment the corruption in the RSA. It is clear for anybody to see when a military officer is involved, and such involvement is way beyond mere testing and verifying of any equipment, that there must be something.

Again Darmanovitch and Thomas played a role in this whole fracas; a lot has already been written about their
Adv. Torri Pretorius
roles, and it remains a fact that their modus operandi is to set traps on the basis that they can resolve issues. In this regards, the persons so duped by them have tended to end up in prison for going this route in order to try and salvage their lives. These operations never stand in isolation. People such as
Adv Shaun Abrahams,
 Adv.Shaun Abrahams
Torie Pretorius and Chris Macadam at the NPA have been implicated as being the masterminds as having people locked up due to their machinations. It is most interesting to note that Adv Graham Bester, a previous prosecutor turned advocate in the private sector, is the master brain in all these maneuvers of the corrupt military personnel. On the other hand, so it would seem. He accesses Judges‘chambers on the pretext of so-called social visits. Despite the fact that any advocate in a matter must inform the opposite party of such action to be undertaken. Not so, Mr. Bester, he claims that he is acting on instructions! The very same instructions that he advised his clients to – and they milk the State’s resources. Off course in his case, he apparently has three racing horses to stable, quite expensive it is.

Adv Glynnis Breytenbach also testified to the cost of the stabling of horses in her disciplinary hearings. She is
currently the DA’s spokesperson in Parliament on Justice! This same Adv Breytenbach has been linked with the fact that no prosecution materialized in the SHAREMAX matter where vast sums of money of investors disappeared.

The question that needs to be answered is as to how President Zuma can ever hope to govern such a dysfunctional government whence these people so mentioned is hell bent on sabotaging all his good intentions? The President as the Captain of the ship has got to take up the cudgels and start laying down the law. These people in their entirety will be the sole reason for the failing of the ANC government.

Is this the signs of the times?